Application error



One of the users on my computer keeps getting application errors on the
startup. The error number is 0xc000022 and the following applications fail:
Os CHECK.exe, aim.exe, UISTUB.exe and reader_sl. He does not have access to
AIM, Adobe, Norton Internet Security or Works. The othe 2 users have no such
problems. Does this user have a virus or contacted a spyware problem? Please
let me know if there is a solution to this problem without deleteing the
account. Thanks a lot.


Johnnymac 60 said:
One of the users on my computer keeps getting application errors on the
startup. The error number is 0xc000022 and the following applications fail:
Os CHECK.exe, aim.exe, UISTUB.exe and reader_sl. He does not have access to
AIM, Adobe, Norton Internet Security or Works. The othe 2 users have no such
problems. Does this user have a virus or contacted a spyware problem? Please
let me know if there is a solution to this problem without deleteing the
account. Thanks a lot.

This mean that the user doesn't have the rights for those applications, is
this user an Admin or Restricted user with limited Privileges?.
Make sure these Apps exist under this User StartUp programs, or assign these
app to this User.
It looks like Norton nagging the user because the lack of Permission, so it
is seeing this particular user as an intruder would like to log into using
this User account and using those Apps.


The error is most often caused by a damaged copy of User32.dll. A repair
setup would rebuild that, or you could expand a new copy with MSCONFIG.



How do you go abouta repair setup or expanding a new copy? Let me know I
appreciate your help


I went to expand file and found the file to expand but do not know what file
to restore from or where to expand the file to. Can you please give me a
little more info on this please.



You probably own the file User32.dl_ , and is stored on your system
somewhere, or in /i386 folder on a setup CD. Search for it. It goes where the
old one was.

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