Application design...



Using VS2005, ASP.NET with VB code behind
I am a newbie to ASP.NET... I need to migrate a windows based VB.NET
app to the web using ASP.NET.

My ASP.NET app needs to have a TreeView down the left hand side that
shows a list of links that can be clicked on and in the remainder of
the browser, the link should be opened... What's the best way to
accomplish this?

Any input would be appreciated.



Thanks for the link...
I have a good understanding of the TreeView control...

My first real problem is that I want links to open on the right side of
the page... how can I accomplish this? iframes? If so, is there an easy
way to implement these in ASP.NET? Anyone have any examples?

Another concern is how big to make the web page... in the original web
form application I could dock and anchor panels allowing them to shrink
and grow... how does this work in ASP.NET?

Again, any input would be appreciated.


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