Using Server 2003 & XP clients, but it's the same basic deal...
Created & applied GPO's to redirect App Data, Desktop, My Doc's, Start
Menu to try to get the same results as doing a traditional NT style
roaming profile. Everything is working OK except for the App Data.
The folder is being created on the server share, and stuff is going in
it like it's supposed too, but when I move to a new PC the network
printers & Outlook profile, for example, are not following me.
I don't know if it matters, and I think it doesn't since it's that way
normally, but the App Data folder is hidden on the server share.
Created & applied GPO's to redirect App Data, Desktop, My Doc's, Start
Menu to try to get the same results as doing a traditional NT style
roaming profile. Everything is working OK except for the App Data.
The folder is being created on the server share, and stuff is going in
it like it's supposed too, but when I move to a new PC the network
printers & Outlook profile, for example, are not following me.
I don't know if it matters, and I think it doesn't since it's that way
normally, but the App Data folder is hidden on the server share.