I know that I m not a good person to explain situation but I'll do my best.
Love you Peter for trying to save me.
I have a C Application that I use to create drawings and save them on a
server. (80 to 200 draings daily)
Indepently of that I have to save this layouts infos to Excel.
First step.
Type the customer home address in the C Appl to bring up a special map.
Before I save that address in C Apll, I'm selecting/copy it manualy to Excel
in the Column A.
Second step.
Type the drawing name in the C Appl.
Before I save that drawing name in C Apll, I'm selecting/copy it manualy to
Excel in the Column B.
(Same similar story with Step 3,4,5 coresponding to Columns C,D,E)
I would like my work-flow to look like this.
Before I would start C Appl, I would open my Excel and start a VBA Sub()
that transfers automatically (wihtout pressing any special
control button or shorcut) all the Selection/Copy that I will be making
starting that second till I will close Subroutine back.
I was thinking to use a keystroke subroutine but that doesnt pay because my
strings lenght/description are very difficult to be categorized in an
First step.
Type the customer home address in the C Appl to bring up a special map.
Before I save that address in C Apll, because I'm selecting/copy it manualy
to Clipboard our VBA subroutine will 'kick in' and it will export it
automaticaly to VBA.Clipboard(1) and will also paste it to Excel in the
Column A without asking any questions/conditions.
Second step.
Type the drawing name in the C Appl.
Before I save that drawing name in C Apll,because I'm selecting/copy it
manualy to Clipboard our VBA subroutine will 'kick in' and it will export it
automaticaly to VBA.Clipboard(2) and will also paste it to Excel in the
Column B without asking any questions/conditions.
(Another same similar story with Step 3,4,5 coresponding to C,D,E)
Example of a perfect scenario:
Type manualy in C App: 16 Avenue T, NYC . Select it manualy and right click
on "16 Avenue T, NYC" to Copy wich will automaticaly save it to Clipboard and
VBA subroutine to Excel into ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1)
Type manualy in C App: XJKL_Layout . Select it manualy and right click on
"XJKL_Layout" to Copy wich will automaticaly save it to Clipboard and VBA
subroute to Excel into ActiveSheet.Cells(1,2)
And so on till I'll stop the subroutine of copying my clipboard to Excel
automaticaly and come back to a regular computer behavior.
Thank you so so much for listening to me and for all of your efforts.
I'll appreciate any idea.