Henry Nettles said:
I don't think Steve Jobs will ever sell an Operating System without a
computer attached. Here's a quote from Paul Thurrott on that subject:
I'll do you one better. Steve Jobs has already sold a few operating
systems without a computer attached. It's called NeXTSTEP. Steve
Jobs took NeXTSTEP from a M68K architecture specific OS to an
architecture independent OS and had it ported to x86, Solars and
HPPA workstations. He then sold the OS to whomever wanted a copy.
I bought a copy.
Steve Jobs then sold NeXT to Apple, managed to replace Apple's
management staff with NeXT's management staff, took NeXTSTEP
(aka OPENSTEP) and renamed it Rhasody. Rhasody became Mac OS X
Server. MacOS classic compatibility layer was then added to
MacOS X Server, and that became MacOS X. Now, it appears that
MacOS X will once again migrate back to the land of x86.
Stll think that Steve Jobs won't sell a copy of the OS without a
computer attached? Why? Because he didn't do so in the late 80's,
and that was a more important indication than the fact that he did
so in the mid 90's?