Apple Boot Camp


Mar 25, 2003
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Long has there been a divide between Macs and PCs. However, this divide is now more of a hazy blur following the recent launch of Boot Camp from Apple: the piece of software that allows Macs to boot into Windows.

For those who would love to have an Apple Mac but don't want to stop using Windows, it seems like the ideal solution. It works for the latest model Intel-based Mac systems, and fans can download the public beta software straight away.

The software is currently in beta, but Apple plans to integrate this nifty bit of kit with their next verion of OSX.

Read more about it at Apple and Bit-Tech


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If I want Windows, I'll buy a PC ... I can buy 3 PCs for one Mac. ;)

I really don't understand what the "gimmic" is here ... are Mac users fed up by not being able to run better cheaper programs, or is it another angle?

I think Mac users who want to play more games will be happy about it, although if they were such avid gamers they would have bought a PC!
I tried a Mac the other day and I did quite like it - although for £1800 it had better be good. I've heard people say for photo/video editing that it is much better although I don't know how true that is nowadays.

I guess this bit of kit is so people can get the best of both worlds, but I can't ever imagine getting a mac.
mac prices

I always though Macs were aimed at a different market to main stream pc users, graphic design & some cad work, the thing that puts me off is the cost£££
although i love the simplicity of mac OSX i wish it was compatible with more programs or that more companies would make their programs compatible
The problem of Apple's high cost of ownership lies with the small numbers that are sold. Less than 5% compared to 95% plus for the regular PC. This also accounts for the problems in software availability. Third party software and hardware makers obviously target the PC where they can have better sales of whatever they are offering.

The only way Apple could cost less is when it starts selling in bigger numbers. I do not really see that happening in near future. Before Linux became known as an OS, we had two choices Windows or MacOS now there are three choices.
Well I dunno, if you're a Mac fan - and can afford one - it can only be good being able to run some Windows only applications - especially games.
If you want a cheap mac then check out your local university. I got mine through my ex (he teaches stage 3 comp sci) & the dept sell off it's computers once they've finished wth them. They don't advertise though. The techies all give them a clean bill of health first.
My lappy is the first comp I've ever bought new... ouch. Was when i was setting up my info research bizz so I expected to be able to claim part of it back in tax. It was, after all, the most essential piece of equipment for the business. But the car accident sort of put paid to all that.
Was $4000 ($NZ, about half the value of the £) new, cleaned out my bank account totally, can buy the same machine (or better) off Trade me for about $1500 now. Don't think I would bother buying new again.
Both my kids have G3 ibooks, got both off trade me.
My daughter's has bulk extra RAM & an Airport card (my son's has to use LAN) & works excellently (I spent the last 3 days checking it out & setting it up... although only time will tell for sure). It cost me $400 Last week (used the money from my painting, she's busy shifting all her stuff over to the new comp right now). Only thing wrong with it was one of the wee rubber footpads was missing. Reckon I can live with that:p
They aren't state of the art obviously, but they do excellently for their homeschooling & entertainment needs... My daughter is heavy into pixel art & runs a graphics forum so she demands a lot from her computer but even the G3 (running panther) seems to handle it just fine.

John's comp is a PC running windowsME & he is a real technophobe & is always asking me to do stuff on it for him. I have to admit that over the last couple of years I have really come to hate the system. It is so clumsy & so inefficient (things I can do in one or two steps on my mac take 5-6 steps on his windows system) that I'm afraid that it drives me potty.
I can understand that people would want to be able to run windows on their comp in order to take advantage of the number of games etc available, & indeed mac are missing out on a huge share of the market at present because, as you said bex, at the moment gamers will just go out & buy a PC, whichever system they prefer for day to day use, simply because most of the games they want to play don't run on Macs (I wouldn't mind being able to run windows just to use that flight simulator chris showed me a few months ago:rolleyes: ). But even if I could do so you couldn't pay me enough to use windows for all the rest of my daily use. The system is just too frustrating:wall: & I'm too fond of my hair:eek:
So... have I p*ssd everyone off yet?:D
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... So... have I p*ssd everyone off yet?
Nope! ... actually it is nice to see/read a constructive answer in "defence" to the Mac ... each to their own. ;)


If John's using ME, then I ain't surprised the two of you getting frustrated with Windows.

ME's the worst POS OS Microsoft ever foisted to the general public.

Win 98SE is far superior to ME.

It was a stop-gap between '98 and XP, was fulla bugs and was short-lived. I don't know why MS ever bothered with it.

Try XP.

You gotta PM.
John's comp is a bit old to run XP unfortunately but the advice on 98 is appreciated. ME is awful & my gut just sinks every time John asks me to come do something for him (he really is a technophobe big time! He can use a scroll bar & double click to open... but that's about it despite all attempts to teach him. He even did a polytech course & left knowing no more than he started with. Just an oil & water thing I think)
Well, I'm not going to get into an argument here but, I'll take ME over 98 anyday.

You really have to spend time "setting it up" and I'm afraid that could take a month of PMs to put right ... ;)

cirianz ... can you give us any "spec" on this PC. :)

Flops is absolutely right when he says Win98 SE is superior, I have to say though that if you are thinking of Win98SE you must consider to update it with the Unofficial Service pack which will take care of updating it and not give you any problems whatsoever. I personally have had installed it on many sytems and it runs very smoothly indeed.

Here is the link to download it from in case you do decide to take that route.
Woohee, we have a disagreement here between Quads & Mucks, who'd a thought it?

I tried ME, it lasted about 5 days before I went back to Win 98SE.

Look at any Forum, where's the most problems - Win ME, that's where. It's rubbish. Unstable, ill-planned, concieved too quick, in short - crap.

Support for Win 98SE is still available from MS's site, although admittedly not for much longer. It did take a little tweaking, it did have it's quirks, but for a nine year old OS, it ain't bad at all.

And the unofficial update site that Quad has linked to is good, I've used that.

Sometimes, Mr Mucks, I have to scratch my head at what you say :confused:
... it is my personal oppinion

Sometimes, Mr Mucks, I have to scratch my head at what you say
You can scratch your head all you like ... and I said, I'm not going to argue. :p

Put the PC in front of me and I'll get ME sorted for you ... is all I'm saying.

I did spend over 18months installing the bloody thing on "customers" PC and never had a complaint off any of them, and I will admit it took me some time to "get it right" ... ;)

I'm not saying anymore on the matter. :)

Have you tried Win98SE with the Unofficial Service Pack?
... the topic here is about MACs

Quadophile said:

Have you tried Win98SE with the Unofficial Service Pack?
Nope ... but I tried CPM, DOS 3/5/6.2, Win 3.2, Win95, 98 & 98SE (official) NT, ME, 2000, XP & Vista ... out of all that I like Vista the best. ;)

Oh, forgot ... I actually love Suse Linux, shame game makers won't write for it. :p

I am fortunate to be able to keep up with the times and not have to rely on old hardware ... although the "Old Girl" is running Linux, it can run Vista.

I made one statment here ... me, myself & I, will take ME over Win98 ... :)

... and that is the last post I make here in this thread.
You say you have never used it, yet you still say that ME is better:confused::confused::confused:

I will not insist on an answer, the only thing I can do is to