Appending Data from Form to Table

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I need some assistance posting data from a Form that is called from a
different letable and query and appending results into a results table. I'm
using main form/sub form..What is best way to append entry data into new
Bound form? Could you explain a little further and or guide me to a more
clarified example so that i'm sure this will do what i want it to do.... I'm
fairly knowledgeable with query's/forms/reports but still learning with
further ability's and learning VBA in Access also.

Thanks for your reply..
Bound forms are what Access does best.
Just as for a report, you specify what table or query the data comes from,
you can do the same for a form.
When you add a record in the form, it's automatically added to the data in
the table/query you've specified as its recordsource.

Bound forms are a much larger topic than one newsgroup post can cover, but
just about every Access book or video should cover them.
Well I understand that, the problem is that the main form is part of a query
and the subform is from a table that is tied to the main form by category ID,
but the subform has text fields to questions ID's where I want the results of
those questions to go to an entirely different table that is not being called
be either the Main/subform. Is that possible, or do I have to call the
results table in one of the forms, although the result table won't have the
ID or any associated until after the category/client is called up from form.
I'd suggest basing the subform on a query which includes both the current
table it's based on and the table you want the results in.