I have a piece of code which has imported hundreds of tables into access.
They have been created with filename now() 1, now () 2, now 3 and now()4 (ie
date stamped as filename with numbers 1 to 4 added). I now want to append all
these temporary tables into four existing permanent tables. Lets call them
Table1, Table2, Table3 and Table4. I don't think I can use an append query as
the filename is never the same. Could someone please help me code a loop to
append these tables? I have searched on newsgroups and google etc but not
found anything that will help me yet. I think I need to utilise the
docmd.runsql insert into maybe but I don't know how to handle the temp table
names. All temp tables ending in 1 want to go to the same table, 2 to
another, etc.
Can anyone please help? I am trying to learn more... ;-)
Thanks in advance for any help.
They have been created with filename now() 1, now () 2, now 3 and now()4 (ie
date stamped as filename with numbers 1 to 4 added). I now want to append all
these temporary tables into four existing permanent tables. Lets call them
Table1, Table2, Table3 and Table4. I don't think I can use an append query as
the filename is never the same. Could someone please help me code a loop to
append these tables? I have searched on newsgroups and google etc but not
found anything that will help me yet. I think I need to utilise the
docmd.runsql insert into maybe but I don't know how to handle the temp table
names. All temp tables ending in 1 want to go to the same table, 2 to
another, etc.
Can anyone please help? I am trying to learn more... ;-)
Thanks in advance for any help.