Rachel Garrett
1) I have a table, Scheduled Assessments, that consists of Question
Name [text, primary key], Scheduled Assessment Date [date], Assessor
[text], and Target Score [number].
2) I have another table, Assessment Scores and Dates, which is a
record of only assessments that have passed. The fields are Question
Name [text], Score in Assessment [number], Date of Assessment [date],
and Origin [text]. There is no primary key because Question Name can
be duplicated.
3) I have a form that allows the user to view information about the
question (this comes from a separate table). It has a subform
generated from Scheduled Assessments. (This is because the question
information remains the same, but each question can have multiple
4) I want to add a control to the Scheduled Assessments subform,
"Milestone Achieved", where the user selects YES or NO. But I'm not
sure how to code what happens afterwards:
***If the user selects YES, I want to append a new record to
Assessment Scores and Dates.***
[Scheduled Assessments].[Question Date] should become [Assessment
Scores and Dates].[Question Date]
[Scheduled Assessments].[Scheduled Assessment Date] should become
[Assessment Scores and Dates].[Date of Assessment]
[Scheduled Assessments].[Target Score] should become [Assessment
Scores and Dates].[Score in Assessment]
[Assessment Scores and Dates].[Origin] should be set to "Milestone
Should I go back to the Design View or SQL view of the query that I
based the form on? Or can I make a button in the subform to do an
append query if the user selects "YES"? Thank you in advance for any
Name [text, primary key], Scheduled Assessment Date [date], Assessor
[text], and Target Score [number].
2) I have another table, Assessment Scores and Dates, which is a
record of only assessments that have passed. The fields are Question
Name [text], Score in Assessment [number], Date of Assessment [date],
and Origin [text]. There is no primary key because Question Name can
be duplicated.
3) I have a form that allows the user to view information about the
question (this comes from a separate table). It has a subform
generated from Scheduled Assessments. (This is because the question
information remains the same, but each question can have multiple
4) I want to add a control to the Scheduled Assessments subform,
"Milestone Achieved", where the user selects YES or NO. But I'm not
sure how to code what happens afterwards:
***If the user selects YES, I want to append a new record to
Assessment Scores and Dates.***
[Scheduled Assessments].[Question Date] should become [Assessment
Scores and Dates].[Question Date]
[Scheduled Assessments].[Scheduled Assessment Date] should become
[Assessment Scores and Dates].[Date of Assessment]
[Scheduled Assessments].[Target Score] should become [Assessment
Scores and Dates].[Score in Assessment]
[Assessment Scores and Dates].[Origin] should be set to "Milestone
Should I go back to the Design View or SQL view of the query that I
based the form on? Or can I make a button in the subform to do an
append query if the user selects "YES"? Thank you in advance for any