-----Original Message-----
Consider posting your SQL statement...
More info, please ...
Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
It's an Access 2002 Front End (mdb) - the user is making
notes while talking to customer - during which the Note is
held in a 1 row local table [Parameters] as a memo field
When the user presses a save button the new note is
appended to a backend [Notes tbl] - Microsoft SQL Server
All works fine - except as I said before large notes are
truncated to 756 ish (512 + 255)???
SQL statement:-
INSERT INTO [Notes tbl] ( [Hube Account No], [By Whom],
[Date], TyprofQry, Notes )
SELECT Nz([Forms]![frm Customer Details (Section 1)]![Hube
Account No],[Forms]![frm Customer Details (Section 1)]!
[Contract No]) AS Expr1, get_user() AS Expr2, Now() AS
Expr3, Parameters.dummy_qry_type, Parameters.dummy_memo
FROM [Parameters];
The Note is there in full in [Parameters] - direct input
to the back end allows any size note.
Thanks in advance
Martin Jeffreys