Hello experts-
I have VBA code that allows users to add multiple records based on the items
selected from the list. The user populates certain fields in the form,
selects multiple items, say 5 items, and then hits the 'create' button to add
records - the user selected 5 items so there will be 5 separate records added
in the main table sharing the same information populated in different fields.
I was lucky enough to find vba code posted in this forum to help me code
this, and I think I'm almost there;
Private Sub cmdCreateMultipleProjects_Click()
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim varNumber As Variant
Dim strProjectName As String
Dim strProjectDesc As String
Dim strProjectHist As String
Dim strProjectScop As String
Dim strProjectType As String
Dim strStartDate As String
Dim strSwitchID As String
Dim strSwitchName As String
Dim strDueDate As String
Dim strProjectRegion As String
Dim strEngr As String
If IsNull(Name) Then
MsgBox "You must fill out a project name.", vbInformation, "Add
multiple projects"
End If
If lstSwitches.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must select at least 1 switch.", vbInformation, "Add
multiple projects"
Exit Sub
End If
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.Open "Project", cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
For Each varNumber In lstSwitches.ItemsSelected
strSwitchID = Forms![Multiple Project]!lstSwitches.Column(0,
strSwitchName = Forms![Multiple Project]!lstSwitches.Column(1,
strProjectRegion = Forms![Multiple
Project]!lstSwitches.Column(2, varNumber)
strProjectName = Forms![Multiple Project]!Name
strProjectDesc = Forms![Multiple Project]!Description
strProjectHist = Forms![Multiple Project]!History
strProjectScop = Forms![Multiple Project]!Scope
strProjectType = Forms![Multiple Project]![Type ID]
strStartDate = Forms![Multiple Project]![Planned Start]
strDueDate = Forms![Multiple Project]!Completion
strEngr = Forms![Multiple Project]![Engineer ID]
With rst
!ProjectName = strProjectName + "-" + strSwitchName + " (" &
Year([Planned Start]) & ") "
![Switch ID] = strSwitchID
!Description = strProjectDesc
!History = strProjectHist
!Scope = strProjectScop
![Type ID] = strProjectType
![Planned Start] = strStartDate
!Completion = strDueDate
![Region ID] = strProjectRegion
![Engineer ID] = strEngr
End With
Next varNumber
MsgBox "Records Added"
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub
The records are added to the table, but it always excludes the last item
selected in the list - so if I select 5 items in the list, it is ignoring the
very last item that is selected and only adds 4 items to the table. The list
multiselect option is 'Extended'
Could anyone tell me why it is doing this? I'm suspecting the varNumber is
not reaching up to the last item selected, but I cannot figure out why.
Always thank you in advance for your time.
I have VBA code that allows users to add multiple records based on the items
selected from the list. The user populates certain fields in the form,
selects multiple items, say 5 items, and then hits the 'create' button to add
records - the user selected 5 items so there will be 5 separate records added
in the main table sharing the same information populated in different fields.
I was lucky enough to find vba code posted in this forum to help me code
this, and I think I'm almost there;
Private Sub cmdCreateMultipleProjects_Click()
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim varNumber As Variant
Dim strProjectName As String
Dim strProjectDesc As String
Dim strProjectHist As String
Dim strProjectScop As String
Dim strProjectType As String
Dim strStartDate As String
Dim strSwitchID As String
Dim strSwitchName As String
Dim strDueDate As String
Dim strProjectRegion As String
Dim strEngr As String
If IsNull(Name) Then
MsgBox "You must fill out a project name.", vbInformation, "Add
multiple projects"
End If
If lstSwitches.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must select at least 1 switch.", vbInformation, "Add
multiple projects"
Exit Sub
End If
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.Open "Project", cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect
For Each varNumber In lstSwitches.ItemsSelected
strSwitchID = Forms![Multiple Project]!lstSwitches.Column(0,
strSwitchName = Forms![Multiple Project]!lstSwitches.Column(1,
strProjectRegion = Forms![Multiple
Project]!lstSwitches.Column(2, varNumber)
strProjectName = Forms![Multiple Project]!Name
strProjectDesc = Forms![Multiple Project]!Description
strProjectHist = Forms![Multiple Project]!History
strProjectScop = Forms![Multiple Project]!Scope
strProjectType = Forms![Multiple Project]![Type ID]
strStartDate = Forms![Multiple Project]![Planned Start]
strDueDate = Forms![Multiple Project]!Completion
strEngr = Forms![Multiple Project]![Engineer ID]
With rst
!ProjectName = strProjectName + "-" + strSwitchName + " (" &
Year([Planned Start]) & ") "
![Switch ID] = strSwitchID
!Description = strProjectDesc
!History = strProjectHist
!Scope = strProjectScop
![Type ID] = strProjectType
![Planned Start] = strStartDate
!Completion = strDueDate
![Region ID] = strProjectRegion
![Engineer ID] = strEngr
End With
Next varNumber
MsgBox "Records Added"
Set rst = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub
The records are added to the table, but it always excludes the last item
selected in the list - so if I select 5 items in the list, it is ignoring the
very last item that is selected and only adds 4 items to the table. The list
multiselect option is 'Extended'
Could anyone tell me why it is doing this? I'm suspecting the varNumber is
not reaching up to the last item selected, but I cannot figure out why.
Always thank you in advance for your time.