I created one append query and one delete query with a “Criteria†= Like
[PILOT CREW ID]â€. In such a way first asset append query, that it adds
`record' in the archive table, and later delete query, that it erases
`record' of the table of the pilots. But what I intended is to activate the
two of a time alone, introducing the number just once, even because I have
distrust to deceive me when active delete query. What I can make?
[PILOT CREW ID]â€. In such a way first asset append query, that it adds
`record' in the archive table, and later delete query, that it erases
`record' of the table of the pilots. But what I intended is to activate the
two of a time alone, introducing the number just once, even because I have
distrust to deceive me when active delete query. What I can make?