Append Query and Autonumbering

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharon
  • Start date Start date


Using Access 2007; have 2 student db last year and this year, using
autonumber as identifier. when i append old student to new db so that they
keep old number; it causes the new db to change the autonumber when i add a
new record to the 1 plus the old number instead of using new new numbers; did
not have this problem in access 2003. when i appended records it put the
record in and kept old number and then when i added a new record, it gave
them next number.

If you are saying that you have one database for last year and another
database for this year, you don't have relational databases! You have ...

In a well-normalized relational database design, you'd have a table for your
data with one additional field. That might be a date/time field, or a
[SchoolYear] field, or ...

But even more importantly, you wouldn't need to put the same student into
the database twice to show participation in two school years.

If "relational" and "normalization" are unfamiliar, plan on spending some
time coming up to speed on this learning curve if you want to get the best
use of Access' relationally-oriented features/functions.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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