Trying and stretching my knowledge and skills to no avail at present.
The code loops but duplicates - so here is breifly a what is supposed to
I have a continuous form to which records are added.
Upon clicking a command button those records which visible are appended to
another table.
If the record showing has no matching parent in the other table a new parent
record is created and the record is appended.
If the parent record is in existance just append.
Continue doing thsi untill the visible records are finished.
With each record appended tick to say that it has been sent.
requery the form and because it has a base query set that the tick is false
no records will be shown.
Now here is the problem it loops nut also duplicates the records already in
existance on the other table - Here is what I have:
Private Sub CmdUpload_Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdUpload_Button_Click
Dim strsql As String
Dim strsqlPack As String 'packingSlip table
Dim strsqlTick As String
Dim strOtherFields As String
Dim strOtherFieldsWC As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 'first loop
Dim rst1 As DAO.Recordset
'find the first unchecked record - first loop
Set rst = Forms!frmProjectNotes_Input.RecordsetClone 'this is the visible
forms recorset
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then 'there are some records showing
'remember that the form only shows records that are not checked
'as its based on a query.
Do While Not rst.EOF 'do until the end of the records showing
'for each record first check
'if there is a current Project Notes Form in existance
'and already associated with the visible records WCard Number
'if there is, update the note by appending it,
'if not create a new form associated with the WCard Number
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectNotes", dbOpenDynaset)
rst1.FindFirst "Works_Number = """ & rst!Works_Number & """" 'check
the existing table
If rst1.NoMatch Then 'The return value is a Boolean that is True if
the desired record was not found.
'the Works Number number is not in the table
'therefore create a new notes entry for that
WCard number
strOtherFieldsWC = ",Company_Name"
strsqlPack = "INSERT INTO [tblProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFieldsWC & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFieldsWC & " FROM tblWorksCard " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlPack, dbFailOnError
'we have created the new entry now we should update the
strOtherFields = ",Action_By,To_Do_date" _
& ",Project_Notes,Status"
strsql = "INSERT INTO [tblsubProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFields & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFields & " FROM tblProjectNotes_Input " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
strsqlTick = "UPDATE [tblProjectNotes_Input]" & _
"SET tblProjectNotes_Input.Sent_Input = True
" & _
"WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number &
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
'remember to check all of these records as having been
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlTick, dbFailOnError
'Next - Done with this record move to the next record
Else 'there is a match - the WCard number is in the Packing
List Table
'so append the note and goto the next record
strOtherFields = ",Action_By,To_Do_date" _
& ",Project_Notes,Status"
strsql = "INSERT INTO [tblsubProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFields & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFields & " FROM tblProjectNotes_Input " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
strsqlTick = "UPDATE [tblProjectNotes_Input]" & _
"SET tblProjectNotes_Input.Sent_Input = True
" & _
"WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number &
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
'remember to check all of these records as having been sent
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlTick, dbFailOnError
'Next - Done with this record move to the next record
End If
rst1.Close 'clear the recorset for new start
rst.MoveNext 'move now to the next record in the recordset
Loop 'start the checking etc for this new record
Else 'there are no entries ie the recordset has no entries to append
'or we have reached the End of the set
'do nothing
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set rst1 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
msgbox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdUpload_Button_Click
End Sub
Any help or guidance and advice really really apprecaited
Trying and stretching my knowledge and skills to no avail at present.
The code loops but duplicates - so here is breifly a what is supposed to
I have a continuous form to which records are added.
Upon clicking a command button those records which visible are appended to
another table.
If the record showing has no matching parent in the other table a new parent
record is created and the record is appended.
If the parent record is in existance just append.
Continue doing thsi untill the visible records are finished.
With each record appended tick to say that it has been sent.
requery the form and because it has a base query set that the tick is false
no records will be shown.
Now here is the problem it loops nut also duplicates the records already in
existance on the other table - Here is what I have:
Private Sub CmdUpload_Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdUpload_Button_Click
Dim strsql As String
Dim strsqlPack As String 'packingSlip table
Dim strsqlTick As String
Dim strOtherFields As String
Dim strOtherFieldsWC As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 'first loop
Dim rst1 As DAO.Recordset
'find the first unchecked record - first loop
Set rst = Forms!frmProjectNotes_Input.RecordsetClone 'this is the visible
forms recorset
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then 'there are some records showing
'remember that the form only shows records that are not checked
'as its based on a query.
Do While Not rst.EOF 'do until the end of the records showing
'for each record first check
'if there is a current Project Notes Form in existance
'and already associated with the visible records WCard Number
'if there is, update the note by appending it,
'if not create a new form associated with the WCard Number
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblProjectNotes", dbOpenDynaset)
rst1.FindFirst "Works_Number = """ & rst!Works_Number & """" 'check
the existing table
If rst1.NoMatch Then 'The return value is a Boolean that is True if
the desired record was not found.
'the Works Number number is not in the table
'therefore create a new notes entry for that
WCard number
strOtherFieldsWC = ",Company_Name"
strsqlPack = "INSERT INTO [tblProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFieldsWC & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFieldsWC & " FROM tblWorksCard " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlPack, dbFailOnError
'we have created the new entry now we should update the
strOtherFields = ",Action_By,To_Do_date" _
& ",Project_Notes,Status"
strsql = "INSERT INTO [tblsubProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFields & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFields & " FROM tblProjectNotes_Input " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
strsqlTick = "UPDATE [tblProjectNotes_Input]" & _
"SET tblProjectNotes_Input.Sent_Input = True
" & _
"WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number &
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
'remember to check all of these records as having been
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlTick, dbFailOnError
'Next - Done with this record move to the next record
Else 'there is a match - the WCard number is in the Packing
List Table
'so append the note and goto the next record
strOtherFields = ",Action_By,To_Do_date" _
& ",Project_Notes,Status"
strsql = "INSERT INTO [tblsubProjectNotes] " _
& "(Works_Number" & strOtherFields & ") " _
& "SELECT '" & rst!Works_Number & "' As
NewWorks_Number" _
& strOtherFields & " FROM tblProjectNotes_Input " _
& "WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number & "';"
strsqlTick = "UPDATE [tblProjectNotes_Input]" & _
"SET tblProjectNotes_Input.Sent_Input = True
" & _
"WHERE Works_Number='" & rst!Works_Number &
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsql, dbFailOnError
'remember to check all of these records as having been sent
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strsqlTick, dbFailOnError
'Next - Done with this record move to the next record
End If
rst1.Close 'clear the recorset for new start
rst.MoveNext 'move now to the next record in the recordset
Loop 'start the checking etc for this new record
Else 'there are no entries ie the recordset has no entries to append
'or we have reached the End of the set
'do nothing
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Set rst1 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
msgbox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdUpload_Button_Click
End Sub
Any help or guidance and advice really really apprecaited