Yeah, I see what you mean about the link to the patch. You might try going
the the NeoWin forum ( ) and
searching for "UXTheme Multipatcher" to catch up on the latest.... I went
in briefly and see that there's a 64-bit version available. There's GOT to
be an active link there somewhere.
I have v4 which is for XP SP2 which I could email you if you like. You
should read up on it in the forum anyway.
There are a few themers available but AFAIK they're payware: WindowBlinds,
StyleXP. I tried StyleXP but their themes are stored on a server that
insists on downloading tons of extraneous files including spyware when you
download their themes. I'd stick to the links on George's page...
The only issue that I can think of that you may have regarding your screen
resolution is with the wallpaper, which -- if you want to use it -- can be
stretched in Windows' Display Properties > Desktop tab or resized in a photo
editing program.
DW wrote on Sat, 7 Jan 2006 06:43:21 -0800:
D> I'm curious...first, there doesn't seem to be an active website for the
D> Neowin patcher. I can't find what is certifiably the latest version.
D> What are some of the alternatives for applying themes? (I know about
D> Windowblinds)
D> Second, many of the themes for Windowblinds are 1024x768. the native
D> resolution for a 19" LCD is 1280x1024. Does it matter if the themes are
D> set up for a lower (or higher) resolution? I can see it might matter for
D> included wallpaper, but the rest?
D> Thanks...
D> In the High Desert of Central Oregon
D> ??>> If you really want it "your way", read the article here:
??>> and apply the patch which will allow you to use hundreds of free
??>> themes and styles. You will no longer be restricted to Windows Classic
??>> or Luna themes.
??>> There is also a free program to easily change your boot screen, here:
??>> Both files use little if any overhead and are complete un-installable.
??>> Have fun. -- Hoppy (e-mail address removed) ~~
??>> DW wrote on Wed, 4 Jan 2006 07:04:47 -0800:
D>>> I am tempted to go back to the Windows "classic" look just for the
D>>> flexibility and personalization. I do like the hiding tray though. Are
D>>> there any drawbacks to reverting to the classic layout?