appearance is all messed up! please help



I was playing a game earlier and some how or another, it changed my
appearance settings. Everything is very large and has been widened. I've
been trying for more than an hour to get things back to normal, but can't
find what to do. You see, all of the appearance settings are on what they
are supposed to be...if that makes any sense. I can't figure out how to get
back my normal settings, someone please help!!! Thanks!!!



1. Right-click on your Desktop and choose Properties
2. Click Settings tab
3. Bottom of this window, change the "Screen Resolution" as desire.

For 15" - 800x600
For 17" - 1024x768

Hope this is what you are looking for, let us know!


Hi - It sounds like I have the same problem as the person below - but when I
tried to follow your directions - I don't have a "Setting tab" when I choose
properties. Am I missing something? I just have a "Task Bar" and "Start
Menu". What do I now?? Why did it do this and how do I avoid it happening


Maybe you are not choosing the right Properties. This cause may could be
because of improper closing of a High Graphic Application which change the
resolution. To avoid this always close all of your application in proper
manner. Don't press ESC to quickly while playing games asit could be the
major cause of this issue. To change the screen resolution:

1. Right-click on an empty area of the Desktop (a large screen portition of
your screen with a background is called Desktop) or you can click Start -
Control Panel - Display).
2. Choose Properties
3. Here you will find different settings tab like Theme, Desktop,
ScreenSaver etc.
4. Click the Settings tab and look for Screen Resolution handler. Try a
different resolution from the current e.g. 800x600 could be the first you can
start with.

See the link for more help:

Hope this is what you were finding, let us know!


Thanks for responding so quickly. I actually figured out how to get to where
you suggested to change to screen resolution - but it is already set for a 15
inch screen - which is what I have. Just for some background -- I was
playing a game (like the girl below) and it froze on me and I did press esc.
-- So my appearance now looks like it is in safe mode -- I tried restarting
and pressing F8 and changed it to start normally - but that did not help --
what now??


I also tried restoring the system -- told me that there have been no changes
-- Thanks

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