Since I updated to Version 1.0.614, whenever I check for
Updates, it does an
update. It always starts with defintion 5729 and goes to
whichever definition
is the latest (at this writing 5739). If I request
another update check upon
completion of an update, it will do the entire update
again (and again and
again) as if the update did not take, even though, if I
check 'About' it will
show the current defintion as the current definition.
Updates, it does an
update. It always starts with defintion 5729 and goes to
whichever definition
is the latest (at this writing 5739). If I request
another update check upon
completion of an update, it will do the entire update
again (and again and
again) as if the update did not take, even though, if I
check 'About' it will
show the current defintion as the current definition.