Hi Joe,
Thank you very much for this great answer. If i understand, you suggest
that I implement a DB wrapper? Is it the right term?
I'm not sure I understand everything so here is some questions:
1- I understand to create a class for each table, but what happen when I
have SQL query that need several table to extract data? It is involving
many relations between tables.
2- What happen when I have a SQL query that is made dynamically. I mean
constructed within the code?
Thank you for answering my questions.
Have a nice day.
Joe said:
One idea is to put all your queries in a Class.
Use a separate class for each table in the database.
Then you could use a code generator like CodeSmith - point it at your
database and generate all the classes in a few seconds. (CodeSmith is a
fantastic, free tool!!!)
You could have a Base class that each generated class inherits so they all
have some common functionality
(like reading the connection string from the config file, getting the
database type from config, etc.)
Then create a 3rd level which inherits the generated level.
This level could be empty or it could override methods in the 2nd level or
it could have additional hand written methods in it that are specifc to the
table in question.
Any code that needs a SQL string *always* calls the 3rd level class.
The main reason for having a 3rd level is because you may wish to
re-generate the 2nd level if the DB changes and you do not want to lose your
hand coded SQL commands!
e.g. this could be (part of) a generated class that inherits from BaseClass:
Public MustInherit Class CostcenterGeneratedClass
Inherits BaseClass
Public Shared Function Delete() As String
If mDBType = "SQL Server" Then
strSQL = "DELETE FROM costcenter WHERE costcode=@costcode"
ElseIf mDBType = "Oracle" Then
strSQL = "DELETE FROM costcenter WHERE costcode=:costcode"
End If
Return strSQL
End Function
End Class
This is a a 3rd level class that "overrides" the behavior of the 2nd level
Delete function by hiding it using the Shadows keyword. It also shows how to
add a user defined method named Select (which probably should be generated
but this is just an example. Also Select is a key word so by enclosing it in
brackets you tell the compiler to ignore that problem.)
Public Class CostcenterSQLStrings
Inherits CostcenterGeneratedClass
#Region "User Defined Methods"
Public Shared Shadows Function Delete() As String
If mDBType = "SQL Server" Then
strSQL = "DELETE FROM costcenter "
ElseIf mDBType = "Oracle" Then
strSQL = "DELETE FROM costcenter "
End If
Return strSQL
End Function
Public Shared Function [Select]() As String
If mDBType = "SQL Server" Then
strSQL = "SELECT costcode,ccname FROM costcenter WHERE
ElseIf mDBType = "Oracle" Then
strSQL = "SELECT costcode,ccname FROM costcenter WHERE
End If
Return strSQL
End Function
#End Region
End Class
Whenever your code needs a SQL string you simply use the format:
strSQLDelete = CostcenterSQLStrings.Delete