Apostrophe in a text field causes error in query



Hi Experts,

Back again. I have a query that refuses to proceed when there is an ' in a
text field it needs to process. Any help or guidance to resolve this issue
would be greatly appreciated.

As an example when the field contains A' FAMOSA as its data the query
produces the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "A' FAMOSA', ")'

Thanks in advance.


The code behind the form is:

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintBtn_Click
'Make the entries to nametags table
Dim strSQL As String
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_tags ( tag_co_id, tag_type ) " & _
' "VALUES (" & Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!coid & ", '" &
Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!attTipAd & "' );"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub


You need to do an instring then reconstruct it.

Dim x as integer, st1 as string, st2 as string, st3 as string
x = inst(text,"'")
st1 = left(text,x-1)
st2 = right(textx+1)
st3 = st1 & " " & st2

or maybe st1 & chr(?) & st3

I'm not sure how you would toss that into a QRY if you really need it.

st3 = st1 & chr(34) & ch(?) & chr(34) & st2

with ? being whatever chr a ' is. I forget.

(e-mail address removed)

Douglas J. Steele

You need to replace the single apostrophe in the text with two apostrophes
in a row. Assuming you're using Access 2000 or newer, try:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo, "'", "''") & "' );"

where that's Replace(..., " ' ", " ' ' ")

Ken Snell [MVP]

You need to double up the ' character in the text string so that ACCESS sees
it as a single, embedded ' character.

I haven't rewritten the entire SQL, but here is an example of how you can
use the Replace function to do this for you (see the first "Value" item in
the following expression):

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid, "'",
"''", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"


Hi Doug,

A life saver as usual. The line that gives me the headache is the one that
has CoNmSel which takes the company name from the form. Some companies like
to have such characters (I do not know why) in their names. When I altered
that line with what you have suggested I started getting "Invalid procedure
call or argument" error. What next?

Or did I had to replace the whole strSQL?

Thanks again for a lightning fast response.


Douglas J. Steele said:
You need to replace the single apostrophe in the text with two apostrophes
in a row. Assuming you're using Access 2000 or newer, try:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo, "'", "''") & "' );"

where that's Replace(..., " ' ", " ' ' ")

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Alp said:
Hi Experts,

Back again. I have a query that refuses to proceed when there is an ' in a
text field it needs to process. Any help or guidance to resolve this issue
would be greatly appreciated.

As an example when the field contains A' FAMOSA as its data the query
produces the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "A' FAMOSA', ")'

Thanks in advance.


The code behind the form is:

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintBtn_Click
'Make the entries to nametags table
Dim strSQL As String
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_tags ( tag_co_id, tag_type ) " & _
' "VALUES (" & Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!coid & ", '" &
Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!attTipAd & "' );"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub


Hi Ken,

Thank you for your help. After trying the above, I have added your
additional code to the line (,1,-1,vbTextCompare) which seems to heal the

It did not work before I added that part.

Thanks a million and also special thanks for the immediate reply.


Ken Snell said:
You need to double up the ' character in the text string so that ACCESS sees
it as a single, embedded ' character.

I haven't rewritten the entire SQL, but here is an example of how you can
use the Replace function to do this for you (see the first "Value" item in
the following expression):

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid, "'",
"''", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

Ken Snell

Alp said:
Hi Experts,

Back again. I have a query that refuses to proceed when there is an ' in a
text field it needs to process. Any help or guidance to resolve this issue
would be greatly appreciated.

As an example when the field contains A' FAMOSA as its data the query
produces the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "A' FAMOSA', ")'

Thanks in advance.


The code behind the form is:

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintBtn_Click
'Make the entries to nametags table
Dim strSQL As String
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_tags ( tag_co_id, tag_type ) " & _
' "VALUES (" & Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!coid & ", '" &
Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!attTipAd & "' );"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub


Hi Doug,

As I explained in my response to Ken, the addition of (
....,1,-1,vbTextCompare) did the trick.

Thanks to both of you guys. With your immediate help, I can take some
sleep...(01:42 here)


Douglas J. Steele said:
You need to replace the single apostrophe in the text with two apostrophes
in a row. Assuming you're using Access 2000 or newer, try:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel, "'", "''") & "', '"
& _
Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo, "'", "''") & "' );"

where that's Replace(..., " ' ", " ' ' ")

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Alp said:
Hi Experts,

Back again. I have a query that refuses to proceed when there is an ' in a
text field it needs to process. Any help or guidance to resolve this issue
would be greatly appreciated.

As an example when the field contains A' FAMOSA as its data the query
produces the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "A' FAMOSA', ")'

Thanks in advance.


The code behind the form is:

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintBtn_Click
'Make the entries to nametags table
Dim strSQL As String
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_tags ( tag_co_id, tag_type ) " & _
' "VALUES (" & Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!coid & ", '" &
Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!attTipAd & "' );"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub


Thanks Spammastergrand for your help. I have resolved the issue via the
other suggestions.


Ken Snell [MVP]

There is a bug in ACCESS with the Replace function where, if you leave those
last three arguments out (and accept the defaults), ACCESS thinks that the
vbTextCompare is a language setting (Hungarian, if I recall?). Thus, it is
unable to make a match.

Although not all agree with me, I always include those three arguments
whenever I use Replace. I've never had this bug bite me again since
implementing this practice.


Ken Snell

Alp said:
Hi Ken,

Thank you for your help. After trying the above, I have added your
additional code to the line (,1,-1,vbTextCompare) which seems to heal the

It did not work before I added that part.

Thanks a million and also special thanks for the immediate reply.


Ken Snell said:
You need to double up the ' character in the text string so that ACCESS sees
it as a single, embedded ' character.

I haven't rewritten the entire SQL, but here is an example of how you can
use the Replace function to do this for you (see the first "Value" item in
the following expression):

strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Replace(Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid, "'",
"''", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"
text field it needs to process. Any help or guidance to resolve this issue
would be greatly appreciated.

As an example when the field contains A' FAMOSA as its data the query
produces the error:
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "A' FAMOSA', ")'

Thanks in advance.


The code behind the form is:

Private Sub PrintBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_PrintBtn_Click
'Make the entries to nametags table
Dim strSQL As String
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO tb_tags ( tag_co_id, tag_type ) " & _
' "VALUES (" & Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!coid & ", '" &
Forms!fr_nt_unnamed!attTipAd & "' );"
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Attendees ( CompanyID, AttendeeType, CompanyName,
Booth ) " & _
"VALUES (" & Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!coid & ", '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again.


Ken Snell said:
There is a bug in ACCESS with the Replace function where, if you leave those
last three arguments out (and accept the defaults), ACCESS thinks that the
vbTextCompare is a language setting (Hungarian, if I recall?). Thus, it is
unable to make a match.

Although not all agree with me, I always include those three arguments
whenever I use Replace. I've never had this bug bite me again since
implementing this practice.


Ken Snell

Alp said:
Hi Ken,

Thank you for your help. After trying the above, I have added your
additional code to the line (,1,-1,vbTextCompare) which seems to heal the

It did not work before I added that part.

Thanks a million and also special thanks for the immediate reply.


Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!attTipAd & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!CoNmSel & "', '" & _
Forms!DataEntry!fr_nt_unnamed_emb!BoothNo & "' );"

For x = 1 To Me.ntadet
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
Next x

Dim stDocName As String, stWhere As String
stDocName = "Nametag Z"
stWhere = "[CompanyID] = " & Me.coid '& " AND [NameTagIssued] = No"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_PrintBtn_Click

End Sub