As I said I lost my Wedding Photos. I had backed everything up to a
CDR. Deleted two W2k partions and the formatted for NTFS and installed
XP. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking: there should have
been more than one CD for My documents. It has My Pictures under it
with 3 years of digital photos! sure enough the My Docs CD only had 2
directories in MY Pictures, there should have been dozens.
I downloaded a trial of Active Undelete and found the My Pictures
folder. Trial only allows 64KB recover so I purchased the product.
Download site is:
It recommends recovering to another disk than the original so i hooked
up a 9GB I had laying around. I believe I recovered more than 90%. It
took a long time, but worth recovering my wedding photos!
Some of the files were slightly corrupted so I used another program i
have used on corrupt floppies for years called BadCopy 3.76 found at:
If you don't have corruption then you may not need this. I suspect
that since they were just deleted you won't. If you view the
recovered folder as thumbnails or try to record to a CDR, that is where
you will find out if they are corrupted.
I got 6 full CDRs of photos after doing all that to my hard drive.
And no, I am not associated with either company, but a grateful
customer. As you can imagine, my wife didn't understand how I could do
something so ignorant.
With Patience and Good Luck you should get them all back,