AOL Conversion Software


R. McCarty

Occasionally I've encountered customers who very much want
to leave AOL for another ISP. Usually, the biggest stumbling block
is the "Proprietary" nature of AOL's Email/Address Book and Favs.

A few days ago, I helped a customer leave AOL for PeoplePC. We
had to migrate around 6-years worth of personal data. To help do
that I found a new application for that purpose, ePreserver. Since I
run into this on more than a few occasions, I decided to give it a try.
Sure enough after just 5-6 minutes it had fully migrated the Address
Book, Email and favorites with almost no user intervention. Even
handles individual AOL username/profile data.

For anyone thinking about give AOL the boot, this little program is
worth the ~$25 price tag.

Details here:


Oh my golly.. the person went from AOL to PeoplePC - Yikes. PeoplePC SUX
more than AOL. I had PeoplePC for about a year and had more dropped
connections and the lousiest tech support.


R. McCarty said:
Occasionally I've encountered customers who very much want
to leave AOL for another ISP. Usually, the biggest stumbling block
is the "Proprietary" nature of AOL's Email/Address Book and Favs.

A few days ago, I helped a customer leave AOL for PeoplePC. We
had to migrate around 6-years worth of personal data. To help do
that I found a new application for that purpose, **********. Since I
run into this on more than a few occasions, I decided to give it a try.
Sure enough after just 5-6 minutes it had fully migrated the Address
Book, Email and favorites with almost no user intervention. Even
handles individual AOL username/profile data.

For anyone thinking about give AOL the boot, this little program is
worth the ~$25 price tag.

Good try, but this is spam think./ someone trying to advertise their
software and make it look like they are trying to hep other people.

I could be wrong mind you

Richard Urban

You are - WRONG!

Mr. McCarty is a frequent responder in these news groups and you are quite
new, or you would know so.

Just because a knowledgeable person (you aren't) passes along information on
a program that he/she has used successfully - doesn't make them a spammer.
That is how knowledge is passed along!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


You are - WRONG!

Mr. McCarty is a frequent responder in these news groups and you are quite
new, or you would know so.

Just because a knowledgeable person (you aren't) passes along information on
a program that he/she has used successfully - doesn't make them a spammer.
That is how knowledge is passed along!

I agree - anything that helps ANYONE move from AOL to anything else is a
benefit to everyone.


Richard said:
You are - WRONG!

Mr. McCarty is a frequent responder in these news groups and you are quite
new, or you would know so.

I apologise.
Just because a knowledgeable person (you aren't) passes along information on

You know this for sure then?

a program that he/she has used successfully - doesn't make them a spammer.
That is how knowledge is passed along!

It is also the way spammers sell their software.


Leythos said:
I agree - anything that helps ANYONE move from AOL to anything else is a
benefit to everyone.

AOL is offering a good deal over here at the moment for ADSL, and you do
not have to use their software. I am tempted, I must admit, and I sia dI
would never us AOL again.
The problem is it is supporting an American company and I prefer to
support our own.

R. McCarty

It could have been mistaken as a Spam message, but it certainly
wasn't intended that way .One thing that is done here is to share
ideas/approaches & Tools. Many posters are themselves IT or
Computer business people who experience many similar issues
or problems. That's why the integrity of answers and suggestions
are very good - There are too many folks that can critique and
correct bad or grossly inaccurate information. Next time I send
a posting of that type, I'll refrain from Web link and prices as that
probably conveyed the Spam impression.


R. McCarty said:
It could have been mistaken as a Spam message, but it certainly
wasn't intended that way .One thing that is done here is to share

As I said , I am sorry for accusing you for being a spammer, but it did
look like a spammers email.

ideas/approaches & Tools. Many posters are themselves IT or
Computer business people who experience many similar issues
or problems. That's why the integrity of answers and suggestions
are very good - There are too many folks that can critique and
correct bad or grossly inaccurate information. Next time I send
a posting of that type, I'll refrain from Web link and prices as that
probably conveyed the Spam impression.

I will know now, who you are, and yes I do agree with all you said
above. The web link is fine even the price is fine, but I think it just
needed re-wording somehow.

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