Anything I should be concerned about?


Robert Stanke

1. I have a pretty simple Access 2007 database - just tables, some queries,
reports, etc. Not much crazy VBA code (yet!).

2. I have two laptops - one running Vista and the other running XP.

I need to be able to port this DB back and forth between the laptops. Am I
going to encounter any problems that you can think of?


Robert Stanke

Daniel Pineault

No, not particularily.

If your db is split (front-end, back-end), create the identical installation
structure on both computers so that migration back in forth is seemless and
you don't require relink table every time.

You could even take it a set further and create a simple batch file,
vbscript, vba function to sync the database files if this will be a fairly
routine occurance.

You may also want to have a version tracking, a method to ensure that you
are always working on the latest and greatest version of the db. Sometimes
it is easy to forget to perform an update and find yourself working on a past
version. by having the version tracking you be rapidly able to identify if
this is the case....
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
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Tony Toews [MVP]

Daniel Pineault said:
You could even take it a set further and create a simple batch file,
vbscript, vba function to sync the database files if this will be a fairly
routine occurance.

How do you mean sync the database? Replication? Copying the files?
You may also want to have a version tracking, a method to ensure that you
are always working on the latest and greatest version of the db. Sometimes
it is easy to forget to perform an update and find yourself working on a past
version. by having the version tracking you be rapidly able to identify if
this is the case....

Trouble is are you looking at this from the developers viewpoint or
the users viewpoint? If he's a developer type then putting a version
number on the main menu works fine.

However if he's a user type then I'd suggest putting a record count of
a couple of the key tables. In the Granite Fleet Manager I chose the
number of active units and the count of service orders.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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a a r o n _ k e m p f

Writign your own replication routines is not an efficient use of
anyones time.
It is best to use SQL Server for replication-- because it is reliable.

Microsoft killed replication (and Security) from Jet because it wasn't
reliable enough.
Anyone that needs these types of functionalities would be best served
by setting these up in SQL Server.

Jet Replication leads to conflicts which you must resolve by hand--
which is a total waste of time.


Daniel Pineault

When I mentioned batch files... it is mearly for copying the files back and
forth and not for database replication purposes. For that, you'd need to
look into the access' built-in functionality.

Let keep it simple. No need to SQLserver, replication....
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
Please rate this post using the vote buttons if it was helpful.

David W. Fenton

Don't know if you're using replication, but a replicated db being
copied from one laptop to the other causes corruption problems.

Well, not *directly*. Copying creates "dead replicas" (see, question 5
for a full explanation of the term), and those can eventually cause
problems if your replica set develops uncorrectable errors
originating with those dead replicas.

If the app were replicated, then there would be no need for copying
-- just synch between the two laptops.

In any event, it sounds like the app is not split, which is a major
problem no matter what -- it should definitely be split (especially
if it's replicated, since Jet replication works reliably in the long
term only with pure Jet objects (tables/queries), and eventually can
corrupt Access objects (forms/reports/modules).

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