Anyone using Keepass and is it safe?

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I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking of
buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other various
sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he uses only one
password for everything he's not concerned about (forums, etc), and another
one for his private info. Personally, I find that to be the easy, non-
secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?
I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking of
buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other various
sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he uses only one
password for everything he's not concerned about (forums, etc), and another
one for his private info. Personally, I find that to be the easy, non-
secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

it just adds ONE more password to your list.. you need a password to
open the password manager... ironic or assinine, I'm not sure...

the concept of using one generic and one secure password is what i've
done for years.... I've went to passphrases instead of passwords....

These are possibly weak if someone knows enough about you....
"I like chocolate the best"
"My dog is yellow and white"
"My wife has big boobs"
"My name is Bart"

"My password is too long for me to remember, but a sentence is easier"
- was a password for a bank account I had....

"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz" - is one I
saw once while shoulder surfing....

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

Seems likely. ;) (This is the second year KeePass has been on the
Pricelessware list.)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
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RedForeman said:
it just adds ONE more password to your list.. you need a password to
open the password manager... ironic or assinine, I'm not sure...

Who cares how many passwords are on your 'list'?

I have about 100 passwords in Keepass and most of them I have never even
seen let alone tried to remember.

There is a limited but functional version of KeePass for Windows PDAs which
gives me access away from computers.

For the OP my long-term experience with KeePass is - no problem. Read the
Betanews reviews for
more opinion.


It's been on the PL list almost *forever* (PL2007 PL2005 PL2004 PL2003
PL2002 PL2001). :)

FYI. . .
The index of PL2007 programs is here:
The Cumulative Pricelessware List is here:

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)
(e-mail address removed) wrote in
I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking
of buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other
various sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he
uses only one password for everything he's not concerned about
(forums, etc), and another one for his private info. Personally, I
find that to be the easy, non- secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

I really like keepass. The other one I've used is "password safe", also on
sourceforge. From what I've heard people have less trouble with keepass
than with password safe. I'm not sure if the latest version fixes those
bugs. Always keep a good backup of your databases!

I agree that strong passwords should be used for everything, and that these
are hard to remember. So having just one, very strong, password for my
password safe software is a good thing for me.
(e-mail address removed) pisze:
I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking of
buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other various
sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he uses only one
password for everything he's not concerned about (forums, etc), and another
one for his private info. Personally, I find that to be the easy, non-
secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

I use it only for 2 months but it is great tool.
For better security use key file.
(e-mail address removed) wrote in
I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking
of buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other
various sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he
uses only one password for everything he's not concerned about
(forums, etc), and another one for his private info. Personally, I
find that to be the easy, non- secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

I've been a fan of passkeeper myself:

PassKeeper v1.2

Dustin Cook
Author of BugHunter - MalWare Removal Tool - v2.2c
email: (e-mail address removed)
I keep reading reviews about this Sourceforge Project and was thinking
buying a cheap USB stick for it. Between the forums and other various
sites, these passwords add up. Someone once told me that he uses only
password for everything he's not concerned about (forums, etc), and
one for his private info. Personally, I find that to be the easy,
secure route.

Keepass is here - any comments?

Anyone have long-term experience with it?

If you actually use strong passwords, the type that look scrambled and
contain no word strings, then these type of utilities are handy. Who
wants to remember dr4.utWW_xR9.4.5yyQ$v9d0Tx? However, I use a scheme
that lets me use a unique password at every site without having to save
it in some utility. By using a scheme then you can always figure out
what you would've used at that site.

As an example, use a couple of nonadjacent digits from your birthyear,
the first or last 2 initials of you 3-character initials of your first,
last, and middle name, and the first or last 3 to 5 characters of the
domain (if the domain is shorter than what you decide for the standard
length then include the TLD part of the domain, too, like you use 4
character but at you would use buyc or ycom). Then decide on
the order of these substrings which is always the same, like
<LINITS2><fdomain4><midbyear2> (which you can record as your hint to
remind you although if you use the same scheme then you don't need to
have hints). In this case, the scheme is the last 2 initials of your
3-initial name (and both are capitalized as indicated in the hint),
first 4 characters of the domain name, and the middle 2 digits of your
4-digit birthyear. Every site would have a different and unique
password. I usually don't include special characters (-,_,$,.,etc.)
because too many sites don't let you use them. Although longer
passwords are better, many sites don't accept more than 8 characters but
many want 6, 7, or more so 8 usually works most places. If one site
wants longer passwords then use one where the hint is
<LINITS3><fdomain5><byear4rev> (where the last is the reverse order of
the digits in your 4-year birthyear). Just come up with a scheme that
you can remember but generates garbage looking passwords. Eventually
you will be without your USB stick with the keepass on it, the stick
goes bad, the computer you want to use doesn't have USB ports or they
have been deliberately disabled, the drive crashes and takes the
database file with it that you haven't backed up yet, and so on. A
scheme in your head that is fixed but provides variable results goes
everywhere you do. Generating strong passwords doesn't mean that you
can't use a common scheme to produce them all.

One reason I started doing this was, well, I didn't bother checking
around for such software. When I tried it then I realized that the
software, USB stick, or whatnot might not be with me at the time. I
also used to use Password Safe (also at and thought the
horror stories about the database getting corrupted (by Password Safe
itself) or file system corruption or drive defects and no backups was
just peculiar to some users - until I lost my database TWICE. I'm not
going to waste time looking for backups to restore an old copy of the
database which might not have my most recent stored password when I
immediately need to login into an account to transfer funds NOW or do
something immediate. You might have a thumb drive on your keychain and
tote around a cellphone but that doesn't preclude them from getting lost
or breaking. In fact, losing files on thumb drives isn't really an
unusual problem.
(e-mail address removed) wrote in BLACK:
PassKeeper v1.2

It might be a good idea for this group that when anyone refers to a program
they like. to provide the author's site.

I did a Google search and found many references but not what I think is the
author's site:

Those who don't Siteadvisor might end up downloading it from some rather
prurient sites.

The question then is which is a safer, better written program - Passkeeper,
Keepass or Passwordsafe?

I couldn't help but notice that Passkeeper still have the zip version for
Windows 3.1 uploaded to the site!
However, I use a scheme
that lets me use a unique password at every site without having to save

Are you sure that a C&P from a password program isn't alot easier, since
you can buy several USB sticks today for about $10-$20?
hmmmm wrote in message

Are you sure that a C&P from a password program isn't alot easier,
you can buy several USB sticks today for about $10-$20?

Unlike the geek that likes carrying around a keychain with a thousand
keys, I prefer slim and mean. So do you folks also have problems
remembering your own telephone number, too? Ah the wonders of
technology to hide a users stupidity.
Ditto. A gem, indeed.

While I am no fan of bloat and useless features how anyone can be a fan of
or describe as a gem something so incredibly basic it has nothing which
could be described as a feature.

PassKeeper is as much a password management system as Windows notepad is a
desktop publishing system.

nospam said:
PassKeeper is as much a password management system as Windows notepad is a
desktop publishing system.

Since it works with Win95 and Win 3.1, that's a clue.

I use Roboform.
While I am no fan of bloat and useless features how anyone can be a
fan of or describe as a gem something so incredibly basic it has
nothing which could be described as a feature.

It does what it's designed to do with great ease. Stores a list of
passwords and logins for sites, etc.
PassKeeper is as much a password management system as Windows notepad
is a desktop publishing system.

What do you want in a password management system?

Dustin Cook
Author of BugHunter - MalWare Removal Tool - v2.2c
email: (e-mail address removed)
Dustin Cook said:
It does what it's designed to do with great ease. Stores a list of
passwords and logins for sites, etc.

What do you want in a password management system?

About 2/3rds of the list here

The big ones for me are categorising and arranging in groups, URL support,
intelligent clipboard use and auto typing, protection of clear text in
memory and windows controls, open-source so its security is open to
