I've bought a wlan grid antenna and I suspect it might be faulty. I've got it connected to
my PCI wireless card and I can't pick up a thing with it. Even my little plastic usb stick
picks up a couple of AP's but the grid - nothing. Yes I know the grid is directional. I've
tried contacting the supplier but had no response yet.
To those that may be using a grid antenna there was just one question I'd like to ask:
what it the resistance across the terminals on your antenna cable? ie: if you connect an
ohm meter to the cable pin connector housing what resistance do you get? On mine I get a
short circuit, no resistance at all and I don't know whether this is correct or not. I may
have a faulty antenna. The antenna spec cheet states 50ohm nominal input impedance.
I've got several other dinky wlan antennas and I tested all of them and they are all the
exact opposite - maximum resistance, not the slightest hint of continuity. I need to work
out if this grid antenna is faulty or not. Thanks for any feedback.
my PCI wireless card and I can't pick up a thing with it. Even my little plastic usb stick
picks up a couple of AP's but the grid - nothing. Yes I know the grid is directional. I've
tried contacting the supplier but had no response yet.
To those that may be using a grid antenna there was just one question I'd like to ask:
what it the resistance across the terminals on your antenna cable? ie: if you connect an
ohm meter to the cable pin connector housing what resistance do you get? On mine I get a
short circuit, no resistance at all and I don't know whether this is correct or not. I may
have a faulty antenna. The antenna spec cheet states 50ohm nominal input impedance.
I've got several other dinky wlan antennas and I tested all of them and they are all the
exact opposite - maximum resistance, not the slightest hint of continuity. I need to work
out if this grid antenna is faulty or not. Thanks for any feedback.