Anyone uses CORBA with C#?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean
  • Start date Start date


I'm currently developing CORBA project.

There are two alternatives to use CORBA with C#.
First is Borland's janeva, and the other is IIOP.NET.

Both of them are really cool. But both has some troubles, too.
Janeva of current developer version is working well in local machine but it
doesn't Support Remote Object.
IIOP.NET is really Good on everywhere but the generated stub modules from
IDL are doesn't support Code Intellisense. :(

I think Janeva is useless for now. therefore IIOP.NET becomes
a only answer. but developing without code intellisense is really terrible.
anyone has solutions?

please help me.
Can you explain the process in developing with IIOP.NET ?

You have your IDL, you generate stubs (client side) and these stubs are in
which language? C#? VB?

Then you import these stub modules into VS, and why/how does VS not do
intellisense? I would think that the use of IIOP.NET would be irrelevant
to the intellisense capability.

But, if you still need to add intellisense for something, maybe this article
will help
