Anyone up North...?

Sep 17, 2005
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Can you please tell me if there are any major housing developments going on? Because I have just recieved a letter telling us of 150 houses that are going to be built over the few fields we have left here in the South.

It makes me sick just thinking about it. You obviously don't know what it looks like, but at the moment whwere I am has the last bit of fields & farming left in Hemel, and they are going to bulldozer the lot right up to the motorway.

I ask because the government has pledged 6000 houses in the South East by 2015 or whenever it is, while simultaneosly closing as many hospitals, schools, amenities and doctors surgeries as they can.

We don't have enough space, facilities, water or public services to support such houses and have a decent quality of life, and to my knowledge there is very little building happening in the North West/Cumbria, Scotland, Wales or anywhere else.

Its is utterly unfair and will ruin what little pleasentness is left living here.

Sorry for the moan but you cannot understand how depressed this has made me.
Yep, there are plenty of new developments going on up here - it's just more people want to live in the South so they are building loads down there (like the Thames Gateway etc...).

I'd gladly have more built up north, it's just people want to live down south it seems :(

Let's just hope there are some fields left!
Ian Cunningham said:
Yep, there are plenty of new developments going on up here - it's just more people want to live in the South so they are building loads down there (like the Thames Gateway etc...).

I'd gladly have more built up north, it's just people want to live down south it seems :(

Let's just hope there are some fields left!

I just think with the amount of space there is in Cumbria, Wales etc I don't see why yet more building has to be done in my bloody back garden.

Government seem to be under the impression that they can fill in every place that isn't housing, which is insane.

I live in what was until 30 years ago a village of just 500 people.

It now has 5000.

I don't care if people want to live down here. Its not one huge housing estate, its people homes. Go and live in France or something. Bloody over population.
I understand how you feel mate - the problem is that the work is mainly down this way, and as a consequence the demand for housing is high - folks would probably quite like to live in Wales or Cumbria, but the work just isn't there.
Adywebb said:
folks would probably quite like to live in Wales or Cumbria, but the work just isn't there.

Thank god for small mercies . Tourists are bad enough but southerners as neighbours it don't bear thinking about .