Anyone packed yet?

Jan 14, 2006
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Ok, apart from TC who was ready to move a week ago is everyone ready for the BIG switch over of the forum on monday? The new all look forum will have young Mr Ian ageing quickly if it all goes pete tong!

I'm ready!:D
Ihaven't packed. I just look at it like we are having a 60 minute make over :D
feckit said:
Ok, apart from TC who was ready to move a week ago.....

Did somebody call..? I'm just packing my secret catnip stash... are we nearly there yet??

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go....................:D
EvanDavis said:
Did ya watch all the clips ??

Like I could resist them..? :p I thought they were great, thank you for posting that link Evan
Everything is all set up and ready to go :D

I may not going to get a chance to post on the "old" site while the transfer is in process, but I hope everything should be switched over by the late afternoon... I'd be surprised if it's not all switched over in time for the evening :).
Looks pretty much like the old site to me

Good luck folks I'm a bit busy at the moment with a dead car and a Arch os install so ain't been or going to be around for a while.

Taffycat said:
Good luck to you Ian, hope everything will run smoothly in Mission Control! :D

Mission Control? You mean me? Because when the rockets have a problem they usually call "Houston, we have a problem" :D Our own "Rocket Scientist" is way superior to any NASA one out there, so expect nothing but smooth sailing
Thanks guys :). I've added a notice to the top of the site, as the upgrade starts in only 7 hours time :D