Anyone know why Internet Explorer is bleeding through to my application????

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam
  • Start date Start date


When Internet Explorer is underneath my .Net application and the .Net
app is processing or pulling up a form, pieces of Internet Explorer
bleed thru to the .Net application. Other applications like word are
fine being underneath.

Has anyone had this problem before?

Does anyone know how to fix it?
Just a wild stab in the dark here, but when you close a dialog (eg when the
user clicks a close button or somesuch), do you do this.Hide() or
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.XXX ?

The former exhibits this 'feature'. The latter works better.
The bleeding doesn't occur when there's a dialog box. We are using
MDI Forms. We have an MDI parent w/ a navigation panel to the left.
(Similar to the toolbox panel in the .net environment) Then we click
on a link in the navigation panel, a new form is loaded inside the MDI
parent. The bleeding seems to take place w/ the child form is being
loaded. Once the form is loaded inside the parent the bleeding is

Thanks for any further help from anyone.
The bleeding doesn't occur when there's a dialog box. We are using
MDI Forms. We have an MDI parent w/ a navigation panel to the left.
(Similar to the toolbox panel in the .net environment) Then we click
on a link in the navigation panel, a new form is loaded inside the MDI
parent. The bleeding seems to take place w/ the child form is being
loaded. Once the form is loaded inside the parent the bleeding is

Thanks for any further help from anyone.