anyone know how to disable the windows? bluetooth program

  • Thread starter Thread starter jonathan perreault
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jonathan perreault

i'm using the program that came with the bluetooth for one thing, it works
better and looks better, more reliable, but windows decided to use it's own
program and now both are fighting for the device (i wish girls would fight
for me the way they it's not vista fault, xp also did the same thing
it's microsoft fault. can anyone help
jonathan perreault said:
i'm using the program that came with the bluetooth for one thing, it works
better and looks better, more reliable, but windows decided to use it's
own program and now both are fighting for the device (i wish girls would
fight for me the way they it's not vista fault, xp also did the
same thing it's microsoft fault. can anyone help

Try this:

1) Open Control Panel.
2) Make sure it is set to "Classic" view.
3) Open Device Manager (under the "System" Control Panel tool).
4) At the top of the hardware devices listing, there will be an entry
labeled as "Bluetooth Radios".
5) Right-click all entries labeled "Microsoft" and disable them.

Sometimes, such as with Logitech's Setpoint software for Vista, the
Microsoft Bluetooth stack MUST be enabled. If you have such a Logitech
device, you will have to keep the Microsoft stack enabled.

BTW, "Vista" or "XP" can not be "at fault", being conscience-less pieces of
software. Additionally, Microsoft has little or no control over a piece of
hardware which uses third-party drivers not completely Vista-compatible.
Microsoft writes its Bluetooth stack in such a way that the majority if
Bluetooth devices work with it. But they cannot test their software with
each and every Bluetooth device driver. In that case, it would NOT "be
Microsoft's fault."

Also, I've never heard of a piece of software making a "decision". Only
sentient beings, such as human beings, can make "decisions". A computers
can only do what the user instructs it to do. Otherwise, a computer and its
programs are deaf, dumb, and blind.

Donald McDaniel
it was a figure of speech, unfortunatly that didn't do what i wanted it to
do, and for some stupid reason, my computer decided to act up now it's
giving me horrible time to install new device, but anyway what i remember in
xp was changing the name of two files and that did it, but under vista i
don't know what to do


Jonathan Perreault
Word Of Advice: Do Not Undermine Windows's Work,
Or It'll Undermine You As A User