Anyone here with a Steam Controller?


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I saw that Steam have a sale on their Steam Controller, which reminded me of the hype surrounding it when it was first released. Has anyone bought one?

I don't know anyone with one, but according to the reviews it sounds like it has improved substantially (largely thanks to custom profiles) since launch. I'm so used to keyboard and mouse, or a standard console controller that I've not been tempted to switch.
I saw that Steam have a sale on their Steam Controller, which reminded me of the hype surrounding it when it was first released. Has anyone bought one?

I don't know anyone with one, but according to the reviews it sounds like it has improved substantially (largely thanks to custom profiles) since launch. I'm so used to keyboard and mouse, or a standard console controller that I've not been tempted to switch.

Yup and they are great for driving games. Only had limited use so far due to life. Used mine with the tv and no cables all over the floor was super neat.

Doubt if I could get on with FPS games with it but for a load of other games it looks like a winner.

Excellent :D.

Have you used an XBox controller before for the same sort of games, and if so, would you say the Steam controller is better than it?
Excellent :D.

Have you used an XBox controller before for the same sort of games, and if so, would you say the Steam controller is better than it?

Never used a X-Box controller. Have tried a few cheaper types. As I had no preconceived notions about how a normal controller works I did not have to readjust to the different controls. I am happy with mine.

So I have tried the Steam controller in several games.

Borderlands one and briefly in two, works well in both. I am a little surprised as I thought it would not be great for shooters, mind you Borderlands is not an intense shooter. I had to adjust the sensitivity of the right pad and will have to adjust it again to be spot on. An I recon I will remap the right third trigger thing to the left side, this operates " E " as I found it quite difficult to do three things all on the right side at the same time.

Remember Me was pretty good with the controller and it is nice to be able to play this from the comfy chair on the tv with no wires. I'll have to remap some of the controls to suit me when I have the patience to read up on how to do so.

Max Payne 3 no way can I use the controller for this at the moment. Guess with some tweaking and tons of practice I may be able to but the action is too fast and furious for my thumbs, so it is kb and mouse for this game.

I really need to study how to set up the controller to suit me. Mapping buttons and triggers to suit would be a good thing to do but the right pad sensitivity is the aspect I need to crack. You can alter how it reacts on the edge and in the middle I think. I might have to leave that until I move as I do not have much time or brain power to spare for gaming at the moment.

I've thought about one, bu the rare occasions I use a controller its the XB1 pad. My favourite controller and its fits my hands well.
A couple of Steam Controller reviews. Both have positive and negative views on the controller rather than being for or against them.

Reading them makes me realise that I do need to look into the customising side of using the controller. I had forgotten about the gyro aspect for instance. I'll have more time when I get out of hospital and after I have moved. :cool:
I've also thought about buying a Steam controller, must admit I'm curious.

But it would take a lot to better the MS Xbox 360 wireless controller and, for that matter, the Xbox One controller with PC.
Here is a Steam page which showcases some of the controllers neat tricks.

These are the two best guides I have found to setting up the controller to suit you.

This feature sounds really super, but I have not found time to try it out yet.

The gyros are the Steam Controller's best-kept secret. Remember the last console generation, when gyro controllers and waggle were all the rage? The Steam Controller is nothing like that. The Steam Controller’s gyros are high accuracy and low latency, meant for enhancing an already established control scheme. They work really, really well.

Gyros are also useful for mouse only inputs. Good example: Typing Of The Dead Overkill, which includes the entire original game that can be played with the mouse. It was first released for the Nintendo Wii as an IR pointer input game. The Steam Controller does not use an IR pointer but the accuracy of the gyros is such that this game is not only fully playable but is also substantially easier than its Wii counterpart.

Nearly all the articles I have read say that the controller has tons of features and you will need to put in quite a lot of effort to make the most out of it. Still once you have mastered the main features it should not be too arduous to configure the thing for any new games you get.

I am stuck though as I can not seem to find any guide or information on how to configure the R/L paddles underneath the controller. In fact I can not even find a picture showing them in any guide, not even at the Steam site. Me is puzzled.

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Solved the paddle problem or should I call them L and R Grips ?


Looking at the left side in the above. You get from the top, L Trigger, L Bumper, A Button. Now if you follow the instructions at the bottom and press A. You go to a page that shows the controller and highlights the A button. So I thought that was a way to set up the A button, seemed a tad strange but there are all sorts of ways to map buttons and pads and triggers. However I was looking at pre set up configs and by chance they had all set the L Grip to mimic button A. See my confusion, why they could not call the A/X Button's on the sides R/L Grips similar to the Trigger and Bumper entrys.
Anyway the third entry down is the Grip configuration. Click on it and make your choices, it is that simple.

Controller works great in Shadow Warrior.

Ha ha the game is for sale at £29.99, think I paid less than £5 for it.

Shadow Warrior is a bold reimagining of the classic 3D Realms’ shooter from independent developer Flying Wild Hog (Hard Reset) starring the legendary and quick-witted warrior Lo Wang. Combine the brute force of overwhelming firepower with the elegant precision of a katana to annihilate the merciless

Graphics are darn neat, gameplay very old school. :thumb:
Linux Gamers & Their Choice of Gamepads

The first thing that is apparent is at the top: the tremendous success of the Steam Controller. Maybe this is even more the case among Linux gamers than on other platformers, but nevertheless just ponder about this a second: a company that had never made gamepads is beating the other two major competitors at their own game. Of course, there are clear and objective good reasons to get a Steam Controller: it can emulate a mouse and can be programmed in various ways to turn it into a very personal experience.

The site running the poll is a linux gaming site and there were only 650 poll returns. Still it does show that the Steam Controller is well liked by the public.
