Its not a big deal but strangely enough a lot of the kids games which
should be a piece of cake for most current video cards - Im having big
problems on.
The new Sponge Bob Movie Game - tons of problems even with the older
400mx card - the captions are invisible except for the ends of the
sentences. However overall it does work.
With the 6800 - sometimes it works in general , the captions come out
but then it crashes with the cutscenes. I install the drivers over and
the whole things comes out a mess then - artifacts all over the place.
This with new and old drivers. However the 6800 works perfectly with
Halflife 2 , Doom3 and the video speed demos.
In the past my ATI 9800 and a 9000 both couldnt run any of the Jimmy
Neutron games and several other kids games at all though the 400mx
should be a piece of cake for most current video cards - Im having big
problems on.
The new Sponge Bob Movie Game - tons of problems even with the older
400mx card - the captions are invisible except for the ends of the
sentences. However overall it does work.
With the 6800 - sometimes it works in general , the captions come out
but then it crashes with the cutscenes. I install the drivers over and
the whole things comes out a mess then - artifacts all over the place.
This with new and old drivers. However the 6800 works perfectly with
Halflife 2 , Doom3 and the video speed demos.
In the past my ATI 9800 and a 9000 both couldnt run any of the Jimmy
Neutron games and several other kids games at all though the 400mx