Anyone have info on the dreaded Q316146 bug? ... (i.e. There is no Original data to access)

  • Thread starter Thread starter malcolm
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I'm absolutely baffled why Microsoft has decided to give so little
information about this issue. We here (as with many other's I'm sure)
have wasted countless hours of time finding, researching and
redesigning around this issue. I wish someone would clarify
Microsofts position on this.

For example, it would be nice to know
a) Yes we are aware of it, it's fixible and is a high priority
b) Yes we are aware of it, but it would require a rewrite of
ADO.NET so it's taking a long time but a fix is coming
c) Yes we are aware of it, but it will not be fixed until .NET 2.0
d) Yes we are aware of it and it's not being fixed. good luck

Now let's analyze what this bug really means. Microsoft has banked
it's entire future on .NET (which I might add has been a success so
far). With that in mind, most medium to large size applications
utilize some form of database and DataSets, DataTables, etc... is the
new defacto way in .NET to represent this data in memory. This bug is
very easy to get as your application get's more complicated. With
this line of thinking, shouldn't this be one of Microsoft's highest

maybe my short knowledge of ADO.NET but I found that using my custom data
class instead of DataTable & DataAdapter was more productive when doing
intensive data manipulation (more than simple CRUD statement)
Hi Dave,
With that in mind, most medium to large size applications
utilize some form of database and DataSets, DataTables, etc... is the
new defacto way in .NET to represent this data in memory. This bug is
very easy to get as your application get's more complicated.

Not really. As my application gets more complicated, I tend not to use
datasets for more than representations of static data from a single view or
resultset. I nearly never use Data adapters to update the database (except
for simple domain tables... Create-Update-Delete types of things).

Where I do use the Dataset, I tend to encapsulate it and use it for data
storage inside an object that doesn't look much like a Dataset at all.

As a result, I have never run into this bug.

I really don't care if MS ever fixes this bug, to be honest, although it
would be nice, just to empower those folks who are a little more daring than
I am. I support your call for MS to fix the bug, out of solidarity with
you, but not because I personally need it.

--- Nick