I had a very silly thing happen.
I decided to turn off one desktop system as I left the office. The install
on exit routine began to run as I left. When I returned and fired up the
system, I checked my update history. NONE of the updates, save Defender, had
been installed.
Hmmm. My security must be SO STRONG that I am no longer able to install
anything. (I presently have OneCare, Defender, CA AV, and Prevx1 installed
on that particular system.)
FABULOUS! (However, the good news is that it all installed properly as I
typed this.)
Then there is the curious nature of my favorite laptop. (A love-hate
relationship of the highest order.) All of the latest security updates
installed properly ... EXCEPT for seven Office 2003-related patches from a
few of weeks ago. Microsoft Office support's final "solution" was to ask
that I scrub the drive and start over.
I might have heeded their questionably sage advise, had it not been for the
fact that I had performed a fresh installation only a few weeks earlier.
I may be forced to install Vista on the blasted thing once I have thoroughly
investigated its interaction with my production (non-Microsoft) applications.
I consider the laptop as a production system, so I really don't need to
shoot myself in the foot any more times than necessary.
I can only imagine how painfully slow Vista might be on a single-core AMD 64
laptop, seeing as I liken the performance of Vista on a dual-core AMD 64x2
(with 2GB of RAM) to the operating system having removed one of the cores. I
think that I have some serious tweaking to perform.