john smith
and could upload a sfv of their %windir% including subdirs? or email me the
sfv, (e-mail address removed) remove the l from plex ... english/american/maybe
euro with no lang support, xp sp1 pro, corporate
my coolwebsearch trojan that totally rooted me has me stumped, around 10
days and i still cant find it, sfv of sp1 is my last hope before a reinstall
and never to use unpatched internetexploder again to try help someone
i dont like my pc while it does stuff i dont want it too, replacing the dll
with a fake and pointing the reverse dns of the site the dll was downloaded
from is all good, but what about the bad, sporadic shutdowns, is that my
dodgy pc or the 0wners isntalling another systemdriver on this :/ arrgh im
sfv, (e-mail address removed) remove the l from plex ... english/american/maybe
euro with no lang support, xp sp1 pro, corporate
my coolwebsearch trojan that totally rooted me has me stumped, around 10
days and i still cant find it, sfv of sp1 is my last hope before a reinstall
and never to use unpatched internetexploder again to try help someone

i dont like my pc while it does stuff i dont want it too, replacing the dll
with a fake and pointing the reverse dns of the site the dll was downloaded
from is all good, but what about the bad, sporadic shutdowns, is that my
dodgy pc or the 0wners isntalling another systemdriver on this :/ arrgh im