I'm having no luck with the built-in ftp server - When I try to access
remotely, I get name/pass prompt (which implies the ftp server is handling
it) - but it wont let me login
It is installed
I have enable anonymous login - but change username/pass (not windows
controlled, coz i cant figure how it works)
I have changed ftp default folder, but i have shared it
Disabled firewalls (until i get it working properly)
Anything I forgotten?
remotely, I get name/pass prompt (which implies the ftp server is handling
it) - but it wont let me login
It is installed
I have enable anonymous login - but change username/pass (not windows
controlled, coz i cant figure how it works)
I have changed ftp default folder, but i have shared it
Disabled firewalls (until i get it working properly)
Anything I forgotten?