Anyone got a N95

Jan 4, 2003
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Having a bit of an issue with adding extra contact number to my contacts already there


Home number
Mobile number

and indeed showing those number that have already been stored

I did read it was something to do with multiple tiers not displaying on this phone but ive not got a clue

Any ideas peeps?

I have one. Not sure i fully understand what you are trying to do, if you are trying to put a second or 3rd number for a contact you have to

edit contact > options > add detail
Yeah found manual. On my k800i was a lot easier

Not even sure I like the phone tbh it's a pain in the proverbial and not very comfortable to use

also very slow
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TriplexDread said:
also very slow
Welcome to Symbian. :p

Lucky that is only S60v3, before they shoehorned touch into it and called it S60v5. ;)

*Dont take this the wrong way, i used to be a massive Nokia/Symbian fan*