'Mark Conrad' wrote, in part:
| Because I am a Mac guy trying to learn Windows XP Pro.
If you really want to dig in, and remain with Windows XP Pro rather than get
'Vista' anytime in the next few years (which most would recommend), then
"Windows XP Professional Resource Kit", 3rd Edition is very good. However,
it is the real stuff. It is not for computer beginners, it is not a
tutorial. It has more than 1500 pages, a CD of tools, weighs 5 pounds, and
sleeps on the floor. I believe all the content is now available as web
pages on the Microsoft website, but sometimes paper is much more appropriate
than a screen. The list price is ~ $60 US, but with now with 'Vista' out,
you can likely find it deeply discounted or used.
Phil Weldon
| In article <#
[email protected]>,
| > Why buy the cd when you can just burn the setup file
| > to a cd-r for about 15 cents
| Because I am a Mac guy trying to learn Windows XP Pro.
| I know less than nothing about PC hardware and Windows XP.
| Would not be able to burn a CD even if my life depended on it.
| All I know is that I am disgusted with Mac people knocking PCs and the
| Windows OS at every turn, so I am trying to learn to run Windows first
| hand, to separate fact from lies.
| So far I am not having much luck trying to learn on my own, but I
| suspect all that will change once I get my feet wet.
| ...but I do know enough that if I ever _do_ succeed in being able to
| run Windows a little bit, I had better be able to back up my bootable
| drive-C so that the next time I inadvertently zap Windows, that I will
| be able to restore it again via a True Image backup.
| I used to use Ghost, but I was told that more people think that True
| Image is a better way to restore a boot partition.
| I own six Macs and one PC, been a Mac user since 1984 when the very
| first Mac was created.
| Use my one PC only to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking Pro v9.00
| It is a $900 speech recognition app', much better than any similar app'
| that runs on a Mac.
| Lately, my fellow opinionated pig-headed Mac users will be able to run
| most Windows app's directly on their Macs, thanks to two simulation
| programs:
| 1) Free beta Apple-supplied "BootCamp", a dual boot app'
| 2) "Parallels", 3rd-party app' for $70 which allows Mac OSX
| and Windows XP Pro and Vista Ultimate and Linux OSs to
| co-exist on the same Mac screen at the same time.
| So I suspect that many other Mac users will be buying retail versions of
| Windows XP and Vista Ultimate in order to be able to run most MS
| software directly from their Macs.
| I have already ran the very demanding Dragon Pro with both BootCamp and
| Parallels with excellent results.
| Only the fastest recent "Intel Based" modern Macs can run these
| simulation app's. BootCamp is faster than Parallels, but Parallels is
| more flexible.
| I can't get BootCamp to "see" the Mac USB modem, because apparently no
| one has created a driver for that modem yet.
| Result - I can only connect to the "Window's Internet" via Parallels.
| Final version of BootCamp will be part of the newest Mac OS version
| 10.5.0 which is due to ship roughly late summer.
| Apparently, MS is letting Apple get away with this, I do not know the
| politics behind it.
| Sorry for rambling on - - -
| Guess I will wait another week to see if True Image shows up
| Very disgusted with Acronis, it has been 16 days so far, and they will
| not even supply me with a tracking number.
| Mark-