Anyone Else Got This Awful Infection?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Everyone I know in this area has, or has had, a nasty infection which involves aching a bit, shivering a bit, slight sore throat and the most godawful COUGH. My house sounds like the old Consumptive's Ward at the Sanitorium. The whole thing goes on for well over a week and you feel ROTTEN most of the time with no sense of taste and poor appetite. :mad: Both me and the missus are coughing away and bringing up nasty stuff every time.

Is it just this area or is it widespread round the country?
Had similar last week..Then lost me voice which is only starting to come back now..The rest of the family seem to have caught it to..Poor kids, although a bit of a result, as I don't have to put up with the usual nagging now that everybody is losing their voices..haha..:p :p
nivrip said:
Is it just this area or is it widespread round the country?

Wanna rephrase the question?

floppybootstomp said:
Still trying to shake off Bloaty Head syndrome.....
You should go to hospital with that Flopps, but no one i'm running!

Yes got cold last week & still go it, but it's curry night on Saturday so need to be OK by then!!
feckit said:
Yes got cold last week & still go it, but it's curry night on Saturday so need to be OK by then!!

They say a curry is good for a cold, so it might help get rid of it... but with the side effect of passing it on to everyone else ;)
My family have suffered for a fortnight with it, first Aaron then me , then Charlotte and the wife...vitamin pills are out :(
Our cats all had something similar recently - the vet said it was "upper respiratory infection" he had to prescribe decongestant powders for the worst-affected and anti-biotics for secondary infection. They are all "indoor" cats too, so it's not as if they could have been mixing with infected moggies, so it's pretty virulent in the moggie-world too. :nod: Happy to say they are all better now :D
Our cat has a hard life of taking at least 22 hours a day for her cat nap & the rest of the time eating & grooming.
She does venture out once in a while but not far & mostly just to get more attention when she comes in!
And if no fish in the evening she wails until she gets it!!!!!!