Anyone create this plug-in?



I'm sure alot of people use the internet for research where they
bookmark pages.
At least with IE6 the only thing stored is the web address and name of
the site.
What I would like would be an option where you could store either your
own notations or copied portions of the site with the bookmark. Ideal
would be when you move the mouse pointer over the the link in the list
of bookmarks the notation text would automatically pop-up so you could
have an idea what the page was about and why you thought it was
This text should also be searchable over all bookmarks so you could
find a particular page discussing the specific content you are looking
Anyone create a plug-in like this?

Bob Clark

Mitchell Swan

I'm sure alot of people use the internet for research where they
bookmark pages.
At least with IE6 the only thing stored is the web address and name of
the site.
What I would like would be an option where you could store either your
own notations or copied portions of the site with the bookmark. Ideal
would be when you move the mouse pointer over the the link in the list
of bookmarks the notation text would automatically pop-up so you could
have an idea what the page was about and why you thought it was
This text should also be searchable over all bookmarks so you could
find a particular page discussing the specific content you are looking
Anyone create a plug-in like this?

Bob Clark

The single most wonderful thing to ever come out of google.

You need a gmail account ot use it, but this is exactly what you are
asking for, and it's free.

If you need an gmail account, email me at mcswan at gmail dot com to
request one. I'm not sure if it's still invite only, or you can sign
up at, but if you can't just sign up, email me.


Thanks for that. I installed it. However, it looks like it only
creates its own file for storing notations for visited web sites. I
checked the Favorites folder for IE and the notations were not stored
along with the bookmarks. It also does not have searching capability.
The ability to search the notations over all the bookmarks is
essential for being able to find quickly saved web sites on the topic
you're researching.

Bob Clark

Mitchell Swan

Thanks for that. I installed it. However, it looks like it only
creates its own file for storing notations for visited web sites. I
checked the Favorites folder for IE and the notations were not stored
along with the bookmarks. It also does not have searching capability.
The ability to search the notations over all the bookmarks is
essential for being able to find quickly saved web sites on the topic
you're researching.

I'm not sure that I'm understanding what your issue is.

After you install the extension, highlight any text, pictures, etc,
from any web page and a right click will give you the option to save
it to your notebook "Note this".

At which point it is stored there along with the link it came from and
is fully seachable.

Mitchell Swan

Mitchell said:
I'm not sure that I'm understanding what your issue is.

After you install the extension, highlight any text, pictures, etc, from
any web page and a right click will give you the option to save it to
your notebook "Note this".

At which point it is stored there along with the link it came from and
is fully seachable.

I just noticed that you're posting to several groups.

This feature will only work with Firefox 1.5


You can do this in NS 7.1, 7.2 and probably other versions....
Go to bookmarks, manage, then click ONCE the bookmark that you want to
query, then click on properties on the toolbar and you can add a bunch
more information about this URL.
Good luck.

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