Anyone buy from Magic Micro?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian K
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Brian K

I've found what appear to be some good deals in barebones kits at I have never dealt with them before. Is there
anyone out there who has bought from them who can comment pro or con. It
would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Brian M. Kochera
"Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!"
View My Web Page:
It is further alleged that on or about Sun, 30 Apr 2006 06:13:13 GMT,
in alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt, the queezy keyboard of Brian K
<[email protected]> spewed the following:

|I've found what appear to be some good deals in barebones kits at
| I have never dealt with them before. Is there
|anyone out there who has bought from them who can comment pro or con. It
|would be appreciated. Thanks.

I have dealt with them on eBay. They have a 99.9% positive feedback
rating and have been around for over 5 years.
I bought a PC from them in 2004... it was an athlon 64 barebones. They
got it to me in working order. I even had the motherboard break and
they upgraded it to a better model for free!