Anyone a Lotus Notes Expert?

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

I'm trying to set up an auto-forward on lotus notes so that when an email is receieved it automatically gets forwarded to another email address.

Anyone ever done this?

You should be able to use the rules (Tools > Rule) feature to do this:

Condition: All Documents
Specific Action: Send Copy to "email address"

edit: I should add that I haven't used lotus notes for 6 years, but I found that info on another forum :thumb:
Last time I used Lotus was back in 1988. :lol:

It is an email program now, is it? if not, then just use your email program's redirect, they can all do it, even Outlook. ;)

I managed it!!

Incase anyone else wants to know, it's not difficult. I messed around with 'agents' all day and got it kind of half working. But there's a bit on the left hand side called Tools, and in there you select 'rules' and then autoforward in there. Dead easy!! :-)