Below I have an example of a spreadsheet that summarizes testing scores.
The Kindergarten teacher liked it so much that now she wants a file for each
grade! The way it works is that a green cell means the student is not at
risk. A pink cell means the student is at risk and a yellow cell is
borderline. I haven't done much with Conditional Formatting, but it was
pretty tedious highlighting each range and putting in the criteria, so to now
do it for each grade seems like a long project. I figure someone out there
knows a better way. Is there any way to set up a table that lists criteria
and ranges for conditional formatting? How would an expert approach this
task? I'll include pictures below so it's easier to understand. The arrays
tabulate the scores. Rows 4,5, 9, 10 and 11 are informational and are not
referenced in the formulas. The tests given change between fall, mid-year,
and spring as do the categories for risk level.
Ok it's not letting me put the picture in here. Too big? If you're a
Conditional Formatting guru who would like to help me, send me your email
address and I'll send you the file.
<4 Deficit <3 At Risk <7 At Risk
4-7.9 Emerging 3-7.9 Some Risk 7-17.9 Some Risk
MA-student 1 14.8 24 0 38.8
BA-student 2 2.6 8 7 17.6
SC-Student 3 5.1 38 7 50.1
AC-Student 4 0 10 6 16.0
KC-Student 5 4.7 12 1 17.7
The conditional formatting starts with the cell containing 14.8. I'm using
Excel 2000 but the teachers have Office 2007 with the ribbon menus.
Below I have an example of a spreadsheet that summarizes testing scores.
The Kindergarten teacher liked it so much that now she wants a file for each
grade! The way it works is that a green cell means the student is not at
risk. A pink cell means the student is at risk and a yellow cell is
borderline. I haven't done much with Conditional Formatting, but it was
pretty tedious highlighting each range and putting in the criteria, so to now
do it for each grade seems like a long project. I figure someone out there
knows a better way. Is there any way to set up a table that lists criteria
and ranges for conditional formatting? How would an expert approach this
task? I'll include pictures below so it's easier to understand. The arrays
tabulate the scores. Rows 4,5, 9, 10 and 11 are informational and are not
referenced in the formulas. The tests given change between fall, mid-year,
and spring as do the categories for risk level.
Ok it's not letting me put the picture in here. Too big? If you're a
Conditional Formatting guru who would like to help me, send me your email
address and I'll send you the file.
<4 Deficit <3 At Risk <7 At Risk
4-7.9 Emerging 3-7.9 Some Risk 7-17.9 Some Risk
=8 Established >=8 Low Risk >=18 Low Risk
MA-student 1 14.8 24 0 38.8
BA-student 2 2.6 8 7 17.6
SC-Student 3 5.1 38 7 50.1
AC-Student 4 0 10 6 16.0
KC-Student 5 4.7 12 1 17.7
The conditional formatting starts with the cell containing 14.8. I'm using
Excel 2000 but the teachers have Office 2007 with the ribbon menus.