M mcnewsxp Jan 9, 2013 #1 anybody here using this? how to retrieve the picture with code? tia, mcnewsxp
M mick Jan 9, 2013 #2 "mcnewsxp" wrote in message anybody here using this? how to retrieve the picture with code? Click to expand... I don't even understand the question. mick
"mcnewsxp" wrote in message anybody here using this? how to retrieve the picture with code? Click to expand... I don't even understand the question. mick
A Arne Vajhøj Jan 9, 2013 #3 "mcnewsxp" wrote in message I don't even understand the question. Click to expand... I assume it relates to: http://html5doctor.com/getusermedia/ and given that it is asked in a C# group, then I suspect that OP want to get it server side in ASP.NET. Arne
"mcnewsxp" wrote in message I don't even understand the question. Click to expand... I assume it relates to: http://html5doctor.com/getusermedia/ and given that it is asked in a C# group, then I suspect that OP want to get it server side in ASP.NET. Arne