I would not expect the RTM version to be available for download. That is
the (finished?) code. They expect you to buy that!
Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)
Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
Im not sure if the official (RTM) will be released as a download...
this has never happened before with windows (of course last major
release was before the broadband boom)
... and although I do think it should be done, something tells me that
MS wont do it....
Perhaps I am wrong.. if you know otherwise, please tell me.
I dont know if you do heavy use on your connection, but perhaps you
should consider getting
an unlimited download connection.... I download 3 gb in a day

that is me of course...
it depends on your needs and use.
I am afraid we only have a cap of 3gb at best, and peer to peer, like
Torrents are severely filtered. I tried the Torents this morning and
the average speed I get is between 4 and 6kpbs. I will still be
downloading in Feb when the official release comes out. Thanks anyway.
use a download manager!!! [free]
www.flashget.com <--- very good
or search for it on torrent and download [free]
I have downloaded RC2. but the file is faulty due to slow download
and interruptions. If anybody in South Africa managed to get a
successful download please let me know. I will reimburse you if you
can make me a DVD and post it to me. Kindly please respond. Piet