While using IE 6.0 in certain web sites i continually
receive a dialog box Error. For example here you have
some errors i have received when i have visited some
typical web sites:
(Note: All errors, according to the dialog box that IE
show me, are "Execution Time Errors", moreover asking me
if i want to debug it.)
1) visiting www.netgociando.com
Line: 33
Error:'top.frames.frameindic.document.encabezado.idtd' is
null or not an object
2) visiting www.ebay.com
Line: 101
Error:Expected identifier
3) visiting www.microsoft.com/windows/windows/ie_intl/es/
Line: 40
Error:Expected identifier
and so on....
What can i do. Should i reinstall IE 6.0 on my computer?
I have a Pentium IV, Win XP based computer.
Best regards
PLease mail me privatelly if you prefer ([email protected])
receive a dialog box Error. For example here you have
some errors i have received when i have visited some
typical web sites:
(Note: All errors, according to the dialog box that IE
show me, are "Execution Time Errors", moreover asking me
if i want to debug it.)
1) visiting www.netgociando.com
Line: 33
Error:'top.frames.frameindic.document.encabezado.idtd' is
null or not an object
2) visiting www.ebay.com
Line: 101
Error:Expected identifier
3) visiting www.microsoft.com/windows/windows/ie_intl/es/
Line: 40
Error:Expected identifier
and so on....
What can i do. Should i reinstall IE 6.0 on my computer?
I have a Pentium IV, Win XP based computer.
Best regards
PLease mail me privatelly if you prefer ([email protected])