Well a simple Perl script could drop all users that don't
appear in both files (2 at a time) then run the results
against the next DC until you either run out of users or
get to the last DC.
(Or course such could be automated to read all N files
at once but the code for two files is trivial.)
Herb Martin
Herb is right [as usual]. If you have a Windows XP Pro computer in the
domain you can install the adminpak for Windows 2003 [download from MS]
it and logon as a domain admin, so make sure the computer is secure, and
the Active Directory command line tools to query for accounts that have
logged on in a certain number of weeks. You will have to do such on each
domain controller with the /s switch to get a list of suspects. The
is that a user who has not logged on via a particular domain controller
a long time may simply be using a different domain controller. So after
get your list of suspects, you will need to run [ net user username ] on
each domain controller to see the last time the user logged on and if it
shows to be a long time on all domain controllers it is probably safe to
suspect that these users may no longer be there but you want to check
personnel just in case they are on disability, military leave, or
leave for instance.
You should really should raise hell with the powers that be about the
of communication however. There may be better solutions if you check with
the scripting newsgroup or visit the Microsoft Scripting center. ---
http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBO/tip7300/rh7330.htm -- dsquery.
Apparently there was a Bug in Win2000 AD where the last
logon time was never updated.
You need Win2003 AD (and an advanced mode) for this
I believe.
Herb Martin
Using Windows 2000 servers. We are having trouble in that we are not
notified when staff quit or leave for other reasons. We would