Using OL2007 and BCM 2007 and an iPaq 2755 pocket PC. Is there any way I can
get my BCM contacts to synch with the pocket pc? I already synch my regular
contacts successfully. Then I decided to go to BCM. I'm wishing i didn't move
my business contacts from Contacts to BCM now since now I can no longer see
them on my pocket pc. Arggh.
I tried to install the "Outlook 2007 or 2003 with Business Contact Manager
Add-in: Business Contacts for Pocket PC" but it says I have an "unsupported
device". Bummer. Any help appreciated! TIA.
get my BCM contacts to synch with the pocket pc? I already synch my regular
contacts successfully. Then I decided to go to BCM. I'm wishing i didn't move
my business contacts from Contacts to BCM now since now I can no longer see
them on my pocket pc. Arggh.
I tried to install the "Outlook 2007 or 2003 with Business Contact Manager
Add-in: Business Contacts for Pocket PC" but it says I have an "unsupported
device". Bummer. Any help appreciated! TIA.