I use this procedure to re-create links to Oracle.
There is a local Access table (tblODBCTables) that contains the table names
and primary key fields I want to link to on the Server.
Note: the source table name needs the Schema User prefix which is in the
code. ***The linked table name usually omits this.***
Public Function LinkOracleTables(strDSN As String, strSchema As Variant,
strSchemaPwd As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LinkOracleTables
Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, tdfAccess As TableDef, qdf As
Dim dbODBC As Database, strConnect As String, strSQL As String
If strDSN = "" Then
MsgBox "You must supply a DSN in order to link tables."
Exit Sub
strConnect = "ODBC;DSN=" & strDSN & ";UID=xyz" & ";PWD=abc;"
End If
SysCmd acSysCmdSetStatus, "Connecting to Oracle..."
Call DeleteODBCTableNames
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblODBCTables")
Set dbODBC = OpenDatabase("", False, False, strConnect)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Do While Not rs.EOF
Set tdfAccess = db.CreateTableDef(rs![LinkTablename], dbAttachSavePWD)
tdfAccess.Connect = dbODBC.Connect
tdfAccess.SourceTableName = strSchema & "." & rs![LinkTablename]
db.TableDefs.Append tdfAccess
'run pseudo index queries here. If the table does not exist then this
gets skipped.
strSQL = "CREATE INDEX " & rs![LinkTablename] & "Idx ON " &
rs![LinkTablename] & " (" & rs![IndexFields] & ");"
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
LinkOracleTables = True
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set rs = Nothing
Set dbODBC = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
SysCmd acSysCmdClearStatus
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 3151
MsgBox ("There is an ODBC datasource problem." & vbCrLf & "Please
verify the DSN and database are spelled correctly." & vbCrLf & "Note: They
can be case sensitive.")
Case 3265, 3011, 7874 'item not in collection - table does not exist, or
can't find object
Resume TableNotInCollection
Case Else
MsgBox "Error # " & Err.Number & " was generated by " & Err.Source &
vbCrLf & Err.Description, , "LogOnCode - LinkOracleTables"
End Select
LinkOracleTables = False
Resume Exit_LinkOracleTables
End Function
'This procedure deletes all linked ODBC table names in an mdb.
Public Sub DeleteODBCTableNames()
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteODBCTableNames
Dim dbs As Database, tdf As TableDef, I As Integer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
For I = dbs.TableDefs.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(I)
If (tdf.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) Then
dbs.TableDefs.Delete (tdf.Name)
End If
Next I
Set dbs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " & Err.Source
& Chr(13) & Err.Description)
Resume Exit_DeleteODBCTableNames
End Sub