Thank you for these suggestions. Unfortunately it's a point of sale
machine that has no expansion options. The need is to have a receipt
printer next to the machine, as well as one in the kitchen (this is a
poor-man's hack of a restaurant application). I definitely need
something that sits outside the computer. And a switch box won't work
because I need it to print at both printers. In my research I've found
evidence of others looking for something like this. I wish it existed!
Thanks for your posts!!!
I'm assuming this is basically a PC. I think most of this can be dobe
within that.
What ports do the PC and printers have? Many older printers have a
serial port, almost all PCs do.
If you can make your application print to file (either directly or by
redirecting the printer output in Windows or DOS) you could then make
it send one copy to each port, with a printer attached to each. (In
Windows, use PrintFile, <> -- it can
do stuff like that with some tweaking.) Also the kitchen printer may
well be too far away for a standard parallel printer cable -- though
I've used ones up to 20 feet long, a serial cable is both cheaper and
more reliable, if slower, though as I imagine it's basically plain
text this will not be noticeable.