I'm running XP. My pc hangs quite a bit, particularly when I'm playing avi files or when my son goes online to certain sites to play games. Whenever the pc freezes, if I'm playing something with audio, a loud buzz emanates from the speakers until I press the reset button. Sometimes, like today, I rebooted the pc and left it sitting for a few hours while I went to do something else. Nothing had been used on the pc between reboot time and the time I went to use it, but the pc was frozen. The standard windows screen saver was stuck in the same position and all I could do was reboot. It's now getting to the point where I have to press the reset button several times a day. I've run hardware diagnostics, upgraded my bios and applied every patch or newest driver to everything I have and it still hasn't helped. Is there anything I can run or turn on in diagnostic mode that will capture something to help me figure out why my pc is hanging all the time?